
I loved both CT and CC. This ... does not seem up to the quality of either, to say the least. Has anyone actually tried it?

Is it evil week already???

Lootboxes? Surely you mean fun presents!

This is, absolutely, the most sycophantic, inexcusably pro-corporate piece I’ve seen on this site. As a longtime fan of Kotaku and PoGo, nothing here is anywhere close to the truth. Eggs are boxes that reward random loot — while most of them suck, many of them *do* reward highly competitive pokemon, especially for

Mike Pence of videogames says what?

I’ve been using a 1080p projector in my home theatre for a while now, and I’m curious if there’s any hope for a reasonably priced upgrade anytime soon. Are 4K projectors still completely ridiculous? Is HDR even really a thing with projectors, or is that not really possible?

I like Nomura’s character designs. I don’t like his game, battle or scenario designs.

It seems very apparent that this was supposed to be their killer app for Google Fiber, and when that project went mostly kaput, this was left as an orphan.

$150/mo for blazing fast fiber internet, Google TV and Stadia with an actual library would be a great deal! Too bad they couldn’t deliver.

GOG is pretty good about making sure games are compatible with modern systems. On the other hand, Konami.

I think Early Access for some games with a huge community focus can make sense, but yeah. For AAA (and even most indie) titles it’s just for money.

that is “ice cream serving size: 1 half scoop” levels of LOL

I had no plans to get an Xbox, haven’t had a MS console for years, have a high-powered PC ... and I’m *still* temped by the Series S. The deal is *that good*

I’ve been enjoying it. I understand that some of the old-ass design decisions are not for everyone, and if you were looking for a revamp to make it a totally new game, this ain’t it. I wasn’t, though. I love the slow, chill pace of the original. I like the aesthetics and the ambience, and I think it actually does a

Right, but again, if you’re *REALLY* concerned about the legality pirating Pac-Man you could just buy basically any generation of GameBoy? idk, I guess I just have to chalk it up as “not for me.”

Yeah, that’s fair — it’s not the worst gift in the world to give a nephew as an introduction to retro games, or something!

Man, to each their own, but this seems utterly bizarre to me. If you want an emulation console, there are obviously way better options than paying $80+$20 for five Atari 2600 games or whatever.

And if you want a physical collection and the classic feel of putting a cartridge in a slot why would you just ... not ...

TenNapel was never not cancelled. He’s always been a massive piece of shit and, yes, someone being an unrepentant racist (this isn’t even an edge case, he’s abhorrent) is a valid reason not to consume someone’s art.

The article you linked to explicitly says “we should open schools and here’s the 8 things we need to do to do that safely.”

We are not going to do any of those things.

Thus, there will be an outbreak in basically every school and we’re going to shut them down in another month. This isn’t hard. It’s obvious to basically

The other Analogue consoles have semi-official jailbreak firmware that allows them to run emulators for other systems of the same general era. Unless the FPGA in the Pocket is significantly underpowered (which I doubt; it’s probably just the same FPGA with a different core), I suspect the same will happen, no ROM cart

“older consoles”

“software upkeep”

get the HELL off my lawn!!!