
Yes, it is bad to ask your audience who are neck deep in a weird parasocial relationship to do free work for while you get your shit together and hire proper merchandisers.

“Somewhere I bet Seinfeld’s buddy, Dave Chappelle, is applauding the bundle of 1s and 0s for its uninspired human-fed trash excuse for a joke.”

Hey now. You shouldn’t bully Chapelle for being transphobic and Seinfeld for supporting him. That is not true activism. You should write to your congresspeople instead! https://

The important thing to remember though is that your teacher dies at the end of the game regardless of ending and that Rookwood is the one who cursed Annie.

Sure, you could make the connection that buying the Harry Potter game directly lines She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s pockets, but as we know, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

But they’re not just translating the original Japanese, they’re translating the English translation and adding extra lines (from the sounds of the trailer, it seems like the characters will constantly talk through cutscenes) with tons of faux-edgy swearing.

Just. Don’t. Tweet. That’s the main lesson here. There is literally no upside to using Twitter in 2021.

Why? FF13 was highly successful. It sold faster than any other game in the series, has received great review scores, and has sold more than 7 million copies.

So you haven’t played Dead Cells?

What the fuck are you even talking about. Dead Cells absolutely has an interrupt save. You can quit the game in the middle of a run, then resume later (which deletes your interrupt save, so no savescumming). Fucking Dark Souls lets you interrupt a run between save points, too. So does The Binding of Isaac.

I mean, I get calling out Kingdom Hearts as inaccessible but I don’t quite understand how that’s true for Final Fantasy (a series known for each entry being completely unrelated to the previous one and therefore not needing any prior knowledge to play any of them) and Resident Evil (in which Resident Evil 7, an entry

Endorsing violence is also not protected by the First Amendment. The so-called “fighting words” doctrine.

Which would explain the 4 controller outs on the dock. Which makes this a steal at $300 for both. It's basically a retro switch.

the videogame equivalent of The Last Jedi

“But it’s also kind of like, Ehh, don’t drag me into your politics.”

Extra! Extra! Intentionally Offensive Assholes Deplatformed By Platform Owners! “We’ve Been Wronged!” Claim Privileged White Men! More At Eleven!

As a former breastfeeding mom who rarely pumped or used bottles, I think that it’s important to include with this story that pumping moms often do a combination of feeding from the breast and feeding expressed milk from bottles so that they can keep their milk supply going. Pumping keeps the milk flowing, which is

man, its almost like enix was the only company that showed up ready for e3. the others just phoned it in. at least sony had the guts to no-show rather than show their lack of content. but enix probably was the best presenter so far this year. we will have to see what nintendo has for us tomorrow, but enix smashed all

Voting: Meh.”

I can picture you sieg heiling as you typed this.