
Sort of. On Android, at least, you can extract and back up .apks to preserve software you’ve purchased, though it’s not necessarily easy and convenient. Not sure if that’s possible on iPhone, nor if it’s something that could be possible with how the Play Subscription/Apple Arcade installations work.

I agree, there’s almost certainly nothing dangerous about this. Self driving cars are driving around ever major city without anyone really knowing. Frankly, autopilot is probably a better driver than 90% of humans.

An anti-semite practices anti-semitism. I am shock!!!

What a cool fanbase you’ve cultivated, dude.

The only thing I blame Super Metroid for is the horrible meme of calling every speedrun category “___%”

We get this comment every time someone mentions the word speedrunning and I’ll never understand it.

Three cheers for incel joker!

Given Tarantino being Tarantino I was terrified of Polanski being given some sort of redemption arc. I was very happy he was basically a non entity in the movie. Though, you're right, of course. He could have dropped the rapist off a cliff and I would have cheered.

Wait, what? You can stunlock one of the weapons in FF7 with potions?

Do they “need” a warrant? Nope! Amazon can freely give them whatever they want, as far as I understand it. But with a warrant, they can likely access whatever they want *even without* Amazon or the owner’s permission (as if Amazon would ever really fight the police, lolol)

Other than the standard cheat additions that SE has been adding to these ports, do you know if there are any other changes? Obviously I don’t expect any big changes, but I am curious whether they’ve fixed any bugs (example: stunlocking Omega Weapon by feeding it potions)

I’m also curious if the Chocobo World minigame

Unless they get a warrant, in which case the cops could presumably get whatever video they want.

“I can’t pick who likes me”

The fact that you think this is a defense is hilarious to me.

It’s a great idea. It has no chance to be implemented in the current political situation, but it’s worth talking about. Imagine if it wasn’t championed by a candidate whose candidacy exists solely because of being propped up by neo-nazis and 4chan edgelords.

This is as dumb as the “if you quit social media, you could have 10,000 more hours of sex per year!” article. One human activity is not hot swappable for another.

Don’t worry, I’m sure Gabe will step in and give the Nazis back their stage.

I mean, duh? And this is no different from any other book. Authors and editors don’t love it when people create unauthorized translations because 1) there’s a good chance for inaccuracy and 2) it kills the chance of ever seeing an official publication for that region.

With the caveat that harassing developers is NEVER okay and anyone involved with it should be utterly ashamed, and that much of the furor over this game specifically was done by misogynist gamergate assholes...

...I am getting completely sick of seeing microtransaction puff-pieces. Especially from an outlet that put

  • “I have Tantric sex for hours—and I mean hours—on end. ?? Am I at risk for toxic shock?”

Imagine thinking "woman" is some bizarre deviation from normal that needn't be designed for.