Fuck this anti-vax nutjob and fuck media outlets like you for turning her into an OMG MEME FOR TEH LULZ instead of the persona non grata she should be. Worked great in 2015, huh?!?!
Fuck this anti-vax nutjob and fuck media outlets like you for turning her into an OMG MEME FOR TEH LULZ instead of the persona non grata she should be. Worked great in 2015, huh?!?!
The ride movie kind of lame, but the queue and preshow is pretty great.
I have been looking for a real ActRaiser followup literally as long as I can remember.
If you ever wanted a concise explanation for why gamers at large are bad, the fact that they’re very mad that a pugilist character is wearing a sports bra is a pretty good one.
“Chambers, Wizards Unite’s analog to Pokémon Go’s gyms, can be completed solo, which I’d never been able to do at a gym.”
Sigh. I don’t like to be that guy, but like ... what? The vast majority of raids are soloable even by casual players. It’s only 4 and 5 star raids that require teamwork, and I’m sure Wizards has…
There are a lot of games, like visual novels, where the narrative is the most important part. Classifying the themes of that narrative makes perfect sense, the same way it does for books.
It isn't. As the article notes, doing so is expressly against the terms of service, which is one of the reasons video game lootboxes are more egregious than real ones.
God, thank you. Even removed from the breastfeeding drama, I am very tired of one researcher doing a single study and media outlets freaking out about how THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING
Singer made ~$40 million from Bohemian Rhapsody. Imagine paying 1/250th of your salary one year in exchange for rape privileges.
“Whereas in the original game you’d see a few dialogue exchanges that were meant to broadly convey feelings—Jessie being flirty, Barret trying to convince Cloud that the environment is worth saving—here there are fleshed-out conversations, genuine personality, and dialogue with a surprising amount of warmth.”
That is…
Huh. If this has anywhere near a decent library of games, consider me interested.
Hopefully doctors will practice some civil disobedience.
“Straight white men need to start speaking up about homophobia/racism/misogyny. Also, they need to shut up because their virtue signalling thirst is just completely embarrassing!”
Most video game soundtracks and arranged albums, for one. S-E dumping all this is a huge boon, but it’s still a fraction of everything they’ve published.
Hey, I want to sincerely apologise. I swear to God I did read the article and somehow still missed that it did include msg for umami. I blame lack of coffee this morning, but regardless, your polite reply was probably more than my comment deserved!
As a backer, I feel like Raum should just cut his losses and consider it a failed project. I’m sure this isn’t popular (and I know Kickstarter’s TOS — sort of — disagree), but I view my backings as a potential investment in future art, not an ironclad agreement to deliver me a product.
Also, hot take, but replaying…
Anti-MSG fervor is almost completely a product of racism and it’s disappointing to see here. Certainly, avoid chick-fil-a because of their horrendous politics, but don’t fall into Chinese Restaurant Syndrome to do it.
“the final season aggressively thumbed its nose at almost every major fan theory”
I’m confused why we need produce bags at all? I just toss them into my reusable bags with everything else. They need to be washed at home anyway.
I’m confused why we need produce bags at all? I just toss them into my reusable bags with everything else. They need…
Woah. Those are insane odds on Jon. I don’t think he’ll die, but 100-1 against? Bet your life savings girls and boys.