good luck with this! i hope you get it!
good luck with this! i hope you get it!
I would say that you don’t want any different solution than having him help out more on the weekends. You just want that. It’s a simple ask, and doesn’t involve changing your breastfeeding relationship or other care desires. And it’s not a big ask.
I’m sorry that this happened to you. Your now-ex-landlord, now-ex-friend was a real asshole.
I am so sorry for your loss, and so grateful for your beautiful expression of your relationship and how he influenced and impacted you. I wish you all the best in this coming time of grief, this next stage now that he is gone.
also white and I concur.
Well, that’s it. I think calling the movement a “lynch mob” or witch hunt is a false comparison and a desire to remove the narrative from what it is and take it to what it is not in order to avoid actually what the movement is and means to be and can be.
As an american living abroad now (and going toward citizenship of this new home country of mine), I can tell you that most americans are not only ridiculously clueless about this, BUT ALSO will vehemently deny anyone who says otherwise, even an american with that experience.
I’ve also been concerned about how the narrative is being wrested back to male-centric concepts (like how to rehab men, don’t make it a witch hunt, don’t get caught in lynch mob mentality, etc).
Yup. We use child care — my son goes one evening a week and it helps me out tremendously knowing that he’s safe and happy (and playing with friends) while I’m doing what I need to do! :)
Nah, feminism is about making choices. That’s your choice, and if you’re happy, then that’s what matters.
One option worth looking into is a multi-unit housing (say, 3-4 apartment block).
I don’t regret having my kid.
hello! I have a 9 yr old.
I love You Need a Budget which is helpful. Also, we capped our annual spending year and years ago, which got us out of debt and increases our investing capacity.
my friend is a knitter, crocheter, and spinner. she collects these baskets from estate and garage sales.
Well, the thing that I see about that is — I’m not here to save people.
Yes, I did notice that about Silverman’s post. I was reflecting on my own experience where, upon confronting a similar situation in a similar way, it’s probably about 50-50 that the person (usually man) in question will apologise. They might thank me, but they don’t necessarily apologise.
you can change your autocorrect settings and it’s the best!
In US english, yes. In Australia, NZ, and UK, it’s spelled ‘apologise’ as my computer is set to NZ settings and autocorrects all of my US spelling to NZ spelling. Such as “color” is usually changed to “colour” and I had to force autocorrect to not change it.
Yes, I think it is absurd and trivial in itself.