
Gardening is difficult. 

Well, it’s worth a try now and again, and sometimes you just kill the plant. I killed that sage, and goodness knows how that happened.

Those are cool. I just added more herbs to my herb box!

My year has been really great, too, personally at least. Our lifestyle and finances and health have been fantastic.

Mine aren’t from Alabama, but all the women whom I know who consistently vote republican (several changed with trump’s nomination, btw, but many didn’t) do so for one of three reasons:

woobie? I haven’t heard that term!

You aren’t under any obligation to see them. Before moving overseas, i constrained seeing them to nuder 3 hrs and we alternated our turf with theirs. And, I would only do max of 5 visits/yr. So. You know. Yeah. I didn’t make excuses, other than that I was ‘busy.’

Sunscreen daily; use a good cold cream (like ponds) at night as a night cream.

I do wish. But our landlord says no (and we live in NZ so the commute for her would be intense). I went to a cat cafe yesterday and Poppet got into my lap and stayed there the whole 2 hrs.

keep the frame. In fact, put it in the lounge. Get a new double mattress for it. Have a bed in the lounge. It’s the best. I’m just making a suggestion.

This is the worst kind of interview experience.

I liked Tracks, but I think the story and scenery were compelling. Or maybe it just required that “quiet/contemplative” non-expressive thing?

how hiddleston managed to make an incestuous serial killer sympathetic is beyond me. what GDT created in that film was really something. But why does Mia Whatsherpolishname always come off as wooden to me?


This is true.

Cetaphil (brand) also makes a great sunscreen.

I really love minimalist routines. I put my whole family on the same minimalist routine — myself, my husband, and our 10 yr old. It’s simple.

I’m sorry for your loss and I’m sorry that your family did this to you.

It’s amazing what flies over your head, isn’t it? LOL

never trust feminist dudes, never trust non-feminist dudes. I guess it boils down to don’t trust dudes.