
Yeah, I was talking to the garden centre folks about this, and they said it’s easy enough to use what we have. :)

The way I see it is that if this goddess has called you, then she’ll be the one to initiate you, too. Just be yourself and go with care. :)

I just decided that helping them with the house is the right thing. They are way overwhelmed. it is sad really. The house is in renovation; the garden is doing well but too much work and . . . and . . . and. They needed help, and it makes for a relaxing weekend.

i guess this depends a lot on whether you’re a ‘hard’ pagan. If you are, then you’ll want to choose your gods/goddesses, learn about them, and learn about what recinstructionists have reconstructed.

I just spent the weekend wiht my friend and we weeded her garden. It’s not a large yard, but way overgrown with weeds. So, we cleared as many as we could in about 3-4 hrs. It was a lot.

So far, we haven’t made that leap, but I am looking into it!

This was part of my thought. I’ve been an apartment dweller for many years now, and not having a yard means you don’t get to garden. I actually enjoy gardening — finding plants that I love, growing them, and so on. I have a small balcony (that I don’t have the money right now to situate with larger planters and the

Most thighs ‘should’ touch because, anatomically, it means you’re developing your thigh muscles properly.

I’m in agreement. Odd and limited color-ways, too. Tissue thin in some cases, and very thick in others.

I had the strangest experience with this movie. First time I saw it — loved it!

I love torties and their tortietude!

I’m in NZ. Last I checked, there were 4 professional doulas in my city, all of them immigrants from the US. None of them working as doulas because people, in general, don’t hire them here.

That could well be it, too. Most of my friends who moved here from the UK (so my friends from there) are people who lived in the big cities, and most of them London.

That may be so. Here, most of the Americans don’t have nannies, but the folks from the UK and some other parts of Europe generally do, and think the americans here are nuts! LOL Also, the best priced au pairs are the foreign students coming here to learn english.

While I completely agree about getting a doula, the reality is for many women that a doula is beyond their financial capacity.

That could well be true. What I ponder is around the care models.

OMG, right? Brains are funny.

Thankfully, I’m much better this morning. I did a bath with some arnica and other herbs (and epsom salts too!). That was very nice. :)

We found therapy very effective. I like Imago therapy a lot (they have workshops and one-on-one with therapist work). I did a lot of my work, and our therapist pointed out that my husband had untreated anxiety (he said “anxious” as opposed to anxiety) and she said “like with addictions, marriages can’t survive mental

This is a tough one, but yes I’ve been through it. I like Pamela Madsen’s work, as well as recommend getting some couple’s therapy and/or sex therapy.