Downton Abbey related question - am I imagining this or was Mr Molesley called Mr Moseley before this season?
Downton Abbey related question - am I imagining this or was Mr Molesley called Mr Moseley before this season?
I don't like Downton Abbey enough to make the effort to download it. I only like it enough to watch it just by clicking the remote.
Me too! I don't get why people are calling it a romper, blanket, snuggie etc.
No picture of Emma Watson from the back? That is what takes the dress (for the lack of a better word) up a few notches.
I read about the breast feeding in Sistine Chapel thing in the news today morning and then thought about whether Jezebel would report it since they talk so much about encouraging it. Turns out, even if a religious leader says something good, we should completely ignore it and instead say something snarky to impress…
Wow! That is some hot stuff! I am pretty sure that this movie played a role in my sexual awakening...I have no idea what would happen if they had this scene in the movie.
I definitely think you should apply. I know of people who got to start a year late because of family stuff or visa issues. Universities will often throw the rule book at you but at the grad school level you can often get the professors/ department higher ups to intercede on your behalf (if they really like you). In my…
The first time I started reading that book, I gave it up halfway. I was in my teens at that point. I recently read it again after almost 15 years and was surprised by how witty and funny and sarcastic Dickens could get in that book. Totally loved it on the second read, mainly for the language and style.
If you got bored towards the end of the third book (the one that most people agree has the most action), then these books are really not for you. Also, if you have only read the first three books then you have not gotten to the thing that makes these books most famous...Martin loves to write in tropes and then…
I think the main reason for banning plastic bags is not the cost but that they are non biodegradable. I am fully aware of the cost of paper vs plastic bags but you cannot ignore the fact that plastic bags often end up clogging waterways and killing animals that try to eat them.
What female Martin characters are you talking about? Catelyn, Sansa, Arya, Asha, Daenerys, the Sandsnakes, Margaery? Even Cersei, who regularly uses sex as a weapon is an indictment of the society that offers very few options to ambitious women.
I haven't seen the movie and was put off by all the discussion about the misogyny etc. Now you have convinced me to give it a try. This is pretty much how I feel about the Song of Ice and Fire books...the story is set in a very misogynistic world but the books themselves are not misogynistic. The HBO show however, is…
I didn't mean that was a quote from you, you obviously never said that. I put that in quotes because people often say something to that effect and what you said reminded me of that justification. Sorry for the confusion.
How about saying "awesome" for totally non awesome things? I am pretty sure that the cupcake you just had was not "literally the awesomest thing ever".
Hmmm....had never thought of that one. Maybe, I should start the process of changing my name to my husband's.
Actually, it is not at all difficult. It is actually easier than one person having to change their name on all their identification and legal documents. I have been married for around two years to a man whose last name is not even in the same language as mine (both of us are from non English speaking countries) and we…
I am not being picky, "besides a woman's maiden name is actually her father's name" is probably the top reason people give for justifying a change of name after marriage. The way you rephrased it is a much better way of putting it. However, for me personally, a person's last name is their own name and not their…
I don't get this logic of saying that a woman either has her father's name or her husband's name. If a woman's last name is her father's last name, then why is a man's last name his own name...why don't we say that it is his father's? By your logic, you changed your last name from your father's to your husband's…
" Personally I'd rather take her name than be married with separate names."
Where do you live? I have been married almost two years and did not change my last far there have been absolutely no hassles. We file taxes jointly, have a mortgage together, have joint bank accounts. On top of that, we are an inter-racial couple from different countries so our names are actually from…