
This is why war rhetoric gets so dangerous in health care. Every disease is not a "battle", every illness is not an enemy waiting to be conquered. I work on issues related to end-of-life care and advance care planning and our culture's obsession with avoiding death drives me crazy. By denying the role of death in

I hope this gets covered too!

Don't know if this will get out of the greys but still I can try. I think this would be of interest to Jezebel readers and hopefully one of the mainpage writers will cover this.

That man has spent almost four decades trying to abolish child slave labor not only in India, but around the globe. He has helped rescue tens of thousands of children from factories, and is often cited as one of the most compelling voices against modern day slavery. Not to mention the work he's done trying to educate

Uh. I mean, okay, so she's kind of smart? But, if you're arguing that the books are in any way feminist, or portray a good role model for women, um. I mean, she falls in love with a guy that beats her up. She's mad about it for like a day, and then she totally gets over it, and the whole incident is very much

more important: why did his friend tell him to rupture his Achilles? that seems like bad advice.

I'm a contractor that works in the water and waste water industry. Please heed the advice of this column. Bar screens, the machines that mechanically filter out the non-organic waste are expensive, and prone to frequent breakdowns. It's the first line of defense at the waste water treatment plant and it's usually


Okay- just because I am nit-picky and this is in no way meant to be an asshole-ish thing...but:

"Here's the thing: It's really hard to be outraged about these men going to great lengths to bulk up and lean down, even while reading about the dangerous health risks and blatant exploitation and objectification, because I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT SO MUCH."

"But the objectification of men is a false equivalency to the objectification of women, because what's being fetishized is strength. Virility, capability, vigor, fortitude. Power. In a world where men actually do have power."

I'm not buying the "well, we're celebrating strength" argument at all. Show muscles have very little to do with actual strength most of the time. Weighing 145 lbs with a six pack has absolutely nothing to do with actual functional strength. In fact, you could probably make an argument that showing a woman's butt can

Fetishizing men for strength is also absurd and archaic though. I get what you're saying for some adult men (even though I don't buy the acceptability of double standards), but this stuff is affecting kids. You know, those little boys who we are hoping grow up into men who respect women and themselves, who have

I just finished registering for classes next semester and I read that as "stupid and Tuesday/Thursday".

That women's race was amazing.

I am 8 weeks pregnant and feel EXACTLY the same way. I only made it to Pilates once last week and that was tough. Until I get this nausea under control, I don't think I can really do anything. I managed to push myself to three or four classes per week at the beginning, despite the exhaustion, but I just can't do it

I craved sleep during my first trimester. I literally slept everywhere: in my car, during meetings, in the employee locker room and on my exam table. it is totally normal. The nausea and sleepiness tend to go away after the first trimester...the second trimester is called the Golden Trimester for that reason. I had a

That all went away for me after about 14-16 weeks. I stopped going to the gym though because pregnancy aches were too much. Instead I walked two miles a day and did a pregnancy yoga DVD. That kept me feeling decently healthy throughout but I will say that I wished I had lifted weights and done a little cardio because

This is slightly off topic, though also slightly on topic. I just need some words of encouragement from women who have been pregnant. I am 8 weeks pregnant right now. Until a few weeks ago, I used to go to the gym around 3 times per week. I would really like to continue working out through the pregnancy but for the

YOU TOO???????