
"allowing women to sue their employers for paying them less than men would actually lead to massive unemployment for *men,* as employers would stop hiring men out of fear of lawsuits"

I was taught at an English private Catholic school in India and though I do sound faintly British, I don't speak with a strange mix of pure British and pure American accents even though I have lived in the US for eight years. I still have most of my Indian accent. This is not just me, I know many people with similar

I also thought of The Good Wife when I saw the title of this post. It has a number of strong female characters Alicia, Kalinda, Diane are the recurring characters and even the minor characters are pretty well written. I also love the fact that even though it is a show mostly directed at women, it assumes that the

She really cannot act. As an Indian woman I am happy that suddenly everybody thinks that Indian women are beautiful, but I absolutely do not get her appeal.

Looks like Freida Pinto managed to get back the Indian accent she had miraculously lost within months after Slumdog Millionaire.

Now playing

Holi is one of the things that I probably miss the most about India. Since it is basically a spring festival and has very little religious connotation even in India, I am fine with a bunch of white kids celebrating it. However, the background music, the production values on the video and the synchronized color

Don't know about acid but the traditional drink for Holi in the part of India I come from is a mix of cannabis leaves in cold milk with sugar and some spices like fennel, almond etc. [en.wikipedia.org]

You are right that those traits are exclusively caucasian but caucasian is not the same as white. While blonde hair seems to be exclusively white, I know plenty of Indians (technically non white caucasians) who have blue or green eyes. I am also pretty sure those characteristics are common among latinos.

Ugh, that post you linked to is cringe-worthy. It shows such a complete lack of understanding about science and scientists that I thought only Rick Santorum and his minions were capable of. That entire study was so full of holes that I don't even want to think about it. What annoys me about your linked post is that

Point out? This article or any other article reporting on a scientific study that does not agree with Jezebel's worldview is dripping with implications about hidden agendas of scientists. If you haven't noticed that so far then I won't be able to convince you.

I agree that the author is venting anger at the stereotypes but the point of the original comment is that this is not the place to vent that anger. I also think that she is, in fact, demeaning another body type in the process. She could have written a separate post about stereotypes and body shape expectations etc.

Completely agree with everything you say. I am on the peripheries of metabolism and obesity research and we definitely don't sit around plotting against fat people.

a) A fairly well known women's blog in the US regularly publishes outrageous and inaccurate articles about scientific studies (usually without even looking at said studies).

Yes, Spotify has changed its login system. Now, you can only do it through Facebook. I just created a fake account for all the websites that need to be logged in through Facebook.

The previous post about Ryan Seacrest and Sacha Baron Cohen mentioned how this probably "isn't the first time a man sprayed something all over Seacrest" and now we have this!

My boyfriend never cries, never, but he teared up during her acceptance speech. He does not watch many movies and has no idea who she is. I cried too but then I am pretty much the champion at crying while watching tv.