
My point is that there are no "styles" of yoga. They are all just yogasanas. The moment you start naming and patenting, you are no longer doing yoga but just creating a new combination of exercises. This does not mean that they are bad or useless, it just means that this is not yoga.

I really like your answer regarding point #4. Why does everybody believe that if they cannot clear their mind in the first try then it means their brain works in a different way? If it was that easy, why would yogis and monks spent their entire lives trying to achieve it. Whenever I hear someone saying that they only

I am going to be the semantic nitpicker here and say that if you don't care about clearing your mind and relaxing then what you are doing is not yoga. You are just doing a bunch of exercises. Though to be fair to you, I also don't think most of the yoga classes really teach yoga either.

It is exactly things like this that keep me away from even trying a yoga class in the US. I am Hindu and this is an invocation that I know and even make on certain occasions but I would be very pissed off if I was forced to listen to it at the beginning of a class.

Like j_rawr, I am also curious. What is the invocation?

I have a few different points to make:

I hope I am not framing this poorly but, is Jay-Z successful because he is sexy or is he sexy because he is successful? I don't know about you but I often feel like I find plenty of successful men physically attractive even though if I saw a regular man on the street who looked exactly like that, I wouldn't find him

Somebody SHOULD make a movie that pairs Meryl Streep and Colin Firth! Just thinking about that possibility is making me giddy.

I hope this does not offend anyone but I would like to try an experiment.

I am not a very regular watcher of RHOBH so I might be missing something but to me Taylor did not seem any more narcissistic or manipulative than a lot of other women in reality TV shows. Do you think that she is making up the whole thing and she was never abused at all? Or, do you think that she was in an abusive

Based on whatever I have seen on TV (admittedly edited by Bravo) it seems like there was at least some abuse in that marriage. The only question is, to what extent? I am pretty sure if you scrutinized every statement I make under stress or about stressful situations, things won't add up.

Can someone please help me understand the point of this post. To me this sounds awfully like victim blaming with the use of phrases like "alleged abuse" and "Taylor's past as a grifter". On the other hand, there is some ass-covering by saying things like "None of this proves that Taylor wasn't a victim of abuse".

Oops, I meant around 2:20.

Now playing

My French boyfriend finds it very amusing that so many women (including me) find Jean Dujardin very attractive. In his defense, he has grown up watching Jean Dujardin in the "Un Gars, Une Fille" sketches on TV.

It is spelled GANDHI not GHANDI. Anna uses the correct spelling so I will not tag this with corrections but it seems like more than half the commenters are using the wrong spelling. I know that both spellings probably sound the same to English speakers but in many Indian languages (including Gujrati, Gandhi's first


In book 1, I used to look forward to her chapters and by book 5 I dreaded them. I absolutely did not get why she had to fall in love and then keep pining about that guy with the beard. Plus, it did not help that some of her story in the 5th book involved Quentyn Martell and that plot did not go anywhere at all. I have

"Oh, and who else is sick of Daisy being all uptight about lying to William about her feelings for him? He died anyway, so BFD."

I live in Boston and still hate Uggs. I understand that they are really warm and everything but I absolutely do not get it when I see all the undergrads wearing Uggs when the temperature is in the 40s. Especially when they are paired with really short shorts. I know that plenty of people wear them to stay warm but you

I also found that sentence a little bit jarring. I know this is never the intention but a stock phrase like this sounds like it is belittling the tragedy.