I am just glad I don't live in Iowa or any other important primary state. Being bombarded with print and TV commercials filled with half-truths and all out lies would drive me crazy.
I am just glad I don't live in Iowa or any other important primary state. Being bombarded with print and TV commercials filled with half-truths and all out lies would drive me crazy.
Given the condescending tone of the original comment in this thread, I think everybody has been very restrained. I don't see any BRUTAL mess.
Looks like I was not very clear in my previous post. I am not renaming atheists as anti-theists. I was saying that in my experience, people who are obnoxiously intolerant of any kind of faith are usually anti-theists while atheists are people like you...tolerant and accepting of other people's beliefs. Sorry, if that…
There are also women in their underwear all over tv. My point is, if one of the male guests or presenters on this same show (except for maybe Anderson Cooper) had stripped down to his boxers or briefs, would we be saying the same thing. I don't think it is a big deal either but something tells me that if it was any…
I was coming here to post exactly the same thing!
As the parent of three well adjusted children, two PhDs (Neuroscience and Computer Science) and one Doctor, who all co-slept till 6-7 years old (anecdotes don't mean anything but just reciting the bona fides), my mother would tell you that telling other people how to raise their kids is BS.
I agree with you that it cuts both ways. I just find it annoying that religious people always get the bad rap for being intolerant but atheists (or to be more correct, anti-theists) are among the most intolerant people I have ever met. Like you I also believe in a higher power but am not really religious.
I get that it is her body and all but will we be calling it cute when a male comedian/tv personality strips down to his underwear in next year's New Years Eve telecast from Times Square or in any other show where the audience is not expecting stripping?
"Of course, technically, all religions can't be true at once"
I have seen plenty of interfaith relationships work but I think both you and eggsovereasy are right that one person has to not care much about religion. Most of the time I have seen it in India with one partner being Hindu and the other is Muslim or Christian. Since Hinduism is on an average pretty tolerant towards a…
Ironically, T-Swift is hated in these parts because of her complete inoffensiveness. Somehow that makes her bland and talentless. I find it interesting that on a feminist site like Jezebel, Lindsay Lohan has more defenders despite her mediocre skills and irresponsible behavior while TS gets judged harshly for mediocre…
I am with you on the Hunger Games being mediocre and I never felt anything for Peeta and Katniss. Most of the time I was annoyed with Katniss. I have read all three books and though I did not hate them, I kept hoping for more. It was like I was reading the synopsis of a much better book. There was something missing. I…
If it makes you feel any better, in the movie (English version), someone asks her about when she had her last meal and she answers that she has normal eating habits but does not put on weight because of a high metabolism.
Someone on my Facebook feed posted that Gene Marks article very approvingly. Ugh. But then, she also supports Michele Bachman so it is not very surprising.
They are being accountable and paying for the removal of the faulty implants for everybody. I don't think we should expect the government to pay for non-elective procedures.
"You don't see why they should cover the cost of replacing something that they shoved mindlessly into womens' bodies despite not being up to medical standards?"
I have been following this story in the French news and I don't see any slut shaming anywhere. The protestors are bringing this up because it serves their purpose but I have never heard anybody in the government saying anything against elective breast implants. There might be a lot of sexism in France but in this case…
Pretty much every day unless we have some visitor or have some kind of plans after work. On those days she is dressed to the nines. In addition to the camel toe, there are also the Ugg boots (it is not even below freezing right now), ratty tank tops over ill fitting bras resulting in all of us getting to see more boob…
The building (Mellon Institute at Carnegie Mellon University) at 1:47, I used to work there when this scene was shot. The skyline, Heinz field, Hines Ward...I really miss Pittsburgh.
Just to clarify, I think the sweatpants ad was very sexist. Also, I judge people for showing up at work looking like they just rolled out of bed.