ZeeBaka (old account go away)

hey this gives me a reason to play my switch again!


Fortnite is decent though.

Paid DLC that adds a lot to the game later on? I’m fine with that. Paid DLC that is available on launch day, locks players out of already in-game content, or gives players an unfair advantage? I’ll take my non-Bethesda mods thanks.

I thought it was a heartfelt moment. Besides, Ash was near near death anyways, plus ho-oh was a factor, and a whole bunch of weird pokemon crap.

Yea i agree.

To be honest, i don’t understand why people freaked out over Pikachu talking, in a bad way i mean. Can someone explain?

the cake was delicious

How to counter Stakataka: Y’all mind if I hit that... A u r a S p h e r e ? Or maybe that mf... E a r t h P o w e r ?

jsyk, go to poni plains, save before encountering a pokemon in the bush, sr for chancey, chain for chanceys and blisseys.

Ironically, the DEFCON warning system website shows that it’s at DEFCON 5.

Got any SlowpokeTail? I got 1,000,000 poke-bucks.

Also, although raichu is better in-game, Pikachu with a light ball hits HARD. Example: Pikachu, at level 50, with max attack stats and an attack boosted nature has a stat of 117. Groudon, (yes GROUDON) with the same boosts has an attack of 222. Now, the light ball DOUBLES it’s attack and special attack, which ends up

So is Plusle, Minun, Pachurisu, Emolga, and Togedemaru.

He spoke like 5 words god damn get over it.

Can I get a Tapu Cocoa?

>swords with tits

I see Kanna, I click, and say that Kanna is not to be lewded. Ever.


xx_420CoDKiD_xx, young man! You must behave yourself, otherwise no DLC tonight!