I want this game so bad now. Android butts and hilarious boss fights, yay!
This. I like this.
Have you seen the internet lately?
Finally! I can tell my parents that video games are a sport!
The original Flatout looked pretty good IMO. Even for today.
Ey. Ey. You get me, 🅱. You get me.
I have had GMod for a long time now. I feel like the multiplayer servers are kinda chaotic, that’s why I don’t do it.
“Oh boy, look at them digititties.” is my new quote of the day. Thank.
Once this gets released, then I’ll buy it.
Absolutely beautiful.
I think this article was unintentional clickbait.
Oh so we have to log in? Hmm... when was the last time I did that...?
Why the fuck doesn’t Luigi have a neck?
Hopefully they also ink turf and don’t just look for enemies on dry land, like I’ve seen many do. Jeez.
“I’m a fucking teapot Belle.” Best thing I’ve heard so far today. Then again it’s 7:30...
Better prepare for the memes.
I forgot this existed.