ZeeBaka (old account go away)

Oh okay... great.

Furry trash.

They say DOOM needs to be played on everything, I guess this includes board games.

I sadly don’t remeber those times... there was this one time where me (junkrat) and this Reinhardt has our ults ready at the same time the entire enemy team was going through a doorway... I think you can figure out what happens next.


Nope. You just the the z stone.

Cool story bro. 8/8.

N-no! That’s.. unheard of!

Not really many stories of when someone actually saved me, but I sure as hell have so many where someone could have shot a half a millisecond earlier!

Yes. YES. YES!!!

“... edit your own party, which you can then upload to Pokémon Bank.”

Oh okay. Aw.

SAO is the only one I don’t agree with.

I liked it.

I love irony.

I’ve had Destiny for a year and a half now (or, my brother has). I haven’t touched it once. I feel like I’m missing out on a huge chunk of life. The reason I haven’t played it is, drum roll please, it takes too long to update. Yeah...

GG, Nerd Rage. GG.

Haha, thanks. Oh, apparently there’s this Portal thing for the Hololens? Not sure if it’s obtainable in any way.

I heard a rumor about portal 3 a long time ago. It would be so cool if they made it for the Vive (if that’s what they’re talking about). Like, a full story mode for portal 3 on VR.

I saw Neptunia do this. I set my phone down, looked up, and pondered my life choices.