
Thanks for the shout out for the film!

It’s almost like women and other minorities are the ones taking the brunt of this sort of behaviour.

I hate it when these showboats talk about what actually happened.

Truly amazing that Geno took “women get asked insulting questions at press conferences” and turned it into “women’s basketball coaches get asked insulting questions at press conferences’.

Thank you Ashley Reese for this well-written article; I enjoyed reading it and I appreciate your efforts as well as those of the most-fine Stacey Abrams.
Silly Note: I also dislike mint chocolate and hate mint chocolate chip ice cream.

I assume Emma Stone will play Lim Eun-Soo.

no the point is that I could have gone up and been out of the station in 2 minutes instead of 10 if those people weren’t BLOCKING the left side. That’s the problem, the blocking, not the walking.

If those people wanted to get to their destinations faster, they’d just walk up the free side of the escalator. They don't, though, so they’re clearly fine with waiting.

No, sorry I didn’t prove your point.
You just accidentally proved that you don’t know how averages work.

But they don’t want to get anywhere faster!! They’re already choosing to wait. You can’t complain about waiting longer when you’ve already made the choice to take the lengthy way through standing.

I would like to see a test of all standers going up 2 at a time, and all walkers going up 2 at a time, over a set amount of

But everyone would get to their destinations even faster if everyone just walked up or down both sides of the escalator.

And the people who want to walk will get there slower.

If you’ve ever actually ridden London escalators for the Tube, you’ll realize that the left walking lane is often open even when huge volumes of people are waiting for the escalator. Because most people choose to wait & stand. That’s why the capacity goes up.

February 19, 2019: Bernie’s fundraising totals come in.

Totally agree. The banana pudding was surprisingly decent though.

I went to Magnolia once about 10 years ago, and was so disappointed. I waited in line for a boring cupcake with bland frosting smeared on top.  Never again.

I believe I can lie. 

Not that this vapid person needs my defense, but is it not possible that she just plainly fucked up and doesn’t realize it until now?

I hope that this is an isolated incident, and not something that becomes poutine.

You said it better than I could. It’s fun to dunk on anything Pats related, but the underlying story here, and what makes this truly despicable, is that this story - as the Jupiter PD rightfully emphasized - is about young women being sold into sex work against their will. I mean, in this context it doesn’t even feel