
yes! completely and totally yes. i played endless scenarios with my barbies. the style they came in never stayed. changing their names and creating different versions of a life was a huge part of the fun. i never felt like barbies negatively impacted my life. i feel like they grew my imagination and ability to be

ya'all is gwen stefani a vampire? how does she look my age when she is not at all close to my age? what is this unfairness? and why are my aunts not cool like that? so many questions...

well, that's a load of shit. man i'm tired of being blamed for things i don't do. shopping on thanksgiving sounds like my version of hell. just the idea of black friday gives me anxiety. shopping every day? do people really do that?

i just spent an unreasonably long time laughing at this. thanks for that!!!!

i'm 1000% okay with this. i wish the same would happen to marine world/six flags. that place is also the worst. i wonder why no one has gone after them? (unless i've missed it). they also have dolphins in captivity as well as other animals. hows about all zoos, too????

he "bitched out" because he didn't want to sit and think all day and all night about the horrible actions his own hands made. he seems surprised that there is nothing to do in jail outside of sit, and think. it saddens me someone could be so deeply delusional. he tried and continually tries to justify his horrid

i mean...i love knee socks and thigh highs a lot lot lot but...this is stupid.

right?! her vagina is RIGHT.THERE!

wait, why is lindsay wearing a shirt for a dress? why is no one else? what is going on?

oh boy. the boob comment: YUP. it's partially why i gained a lot of weight a few years ago. i've since lost it all, and found a healthy balance but damn. it was nice to feel like i could hide and take a break from all the shitty attention. i worked on my SELF instead of my body during that time and, eventually, i lead

oh MAN i hated and LOVED these when i was a kid. i remember reading one in 4th grade during a half hour of quiet reading time in class. someone sneezed and i jumped so hard i slammed the book shut. seriously, such a scaredy cat. and those pictures? fuck.that.

i assumed the body was in the crawl space and that she just didn't want to go in their. but i don't know for sure. i just feel badly for trapped entities :(

why didn't she free that little girl from the basement? ;________; poor ghost girl.

it IS! be careful. it can induce nightmares for a week or like, you know, a year...

OHMYGOD i forgot about it completely until i read about it again on here. stupid stupid stupid decision :((((

RIGHT THOUGH?! seriously i thought i was better at shaking it off. nope. goat man eyes. got me terrifiiiiied.

the goat man story has kept me up all week :( i keep looking at my floor like some crazy lit up jesus thing is going to be there. i don't know what i read these stories but i.can't.stop.

omgggg the kisses from passing trucks…they make me want to vomit, every time. i get the worst gut feeling it's like…i can't even talk about it now, i feel gross. sorry you experience this too :(

i live in SF too! it happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME. literally, i've cried. sorry you're in the thick of it too.

i'm so sorry :( i keep hoping it will get better with age too...