
there are days i wish to be invisible, too. so with you

ugh. this is awful. awful awful awful. and this sounds like my life. i ended up with a woman's body by the time i was 13. cat calls started when i was 11. nothing has changed. i cannot tell you how frequently i walk with my head down, just to avoid being leered at. it took me YEARS to wear the clothing i actually

genetics, for sure. i pee before and after and also drink tea so i dunno :/

thanks for all the info :)!

i can still ask and be curious, right? it's simply a question this article made me think about and want to ask.

they are awful! and i do everything "right" (pee before and after sex, proper hygiene, no holding, no coffee) so i just don't get it!

gaaah so lucky!!! i wonder what predisposes people to getting them vs. not getting them...

i want to say veggie intake is HUGE factor and...also the fact that you have a longer urethra. regardless, all of this makes me want to go back to being vegetarian. so many of my long standing health issues disappeared when i was vegetarian and then vegan.

no i don't but i did just over come a NASTY one i didn't realize i had (minimal if any pain, which is weird) that turned into a kidney infection. so. i'm just trying to educate myself. so i wondered if, in eating less meat, a body runs a lower risk of contracting a UTI by avoiding additional, unnecessary antibiotics.

what is uva ursi?!

ugh i just recovered from a kidney infection brought on my a UTI. i can commiserate. organ pain is horrible

question for the vegetarians/vegans out there: did you notice a difference in the amount of UTIs you got once you switched over to not eating meat?

mmm i think it's more that a lot of meat is grown with antibiotics so we're eating meat filled with antibiotics. that leads to our bodily systems outsmarting the antibiotics and we can get sick more easily because we suddenly become resistant.

eh, whatever. i do this all the time, in every shower i go in. it's not like the piss is pooling and staying there. it gets washed out immediately. if this saves water i vote yes! california is scary dry right now.

me too me too me too. it IS hard and it IS confusing and so many people around me act like it is not, or are focused on holding it together they don't acknowledge it. i wish the pretense got dropped a lot more often but it doesn't ever seem to. i fall into it too but work on catching myself as it's happening, and