This is the right answer.
This is the right answer.
And nowadays the design team at Honda vapes apparently.
Perhaps they sorted the material to put the worst pieces at the beginning, knowing that people would be less critical then.
Came to say this. Hell I even like the Mike Skinner bit.
I wasn’t a fan of the whole commando training thing in Episode 2, but everything else has been an absolute blast, no pun intended.
I for one, fully agree with you. It’s like mac and cheese, no matter what the occasion, you just enjoy it regardless.
I’ve enjoyed every episode of the new show. I don’t know why you all are trying to bitch SO HARD that it’s not what you want. I bet you all are a lot of fun at parties.
The first time I got a ride in a model X, the weatherstripping on one of the rear doors fell off and the front windows wouldn’t go back up
My best friend got a Model X a couple months ago. It’s very fast. It also feels as cheap as a 1990s Kia. Plastic everywhere, weird seat backs that look like a shiny Boblebee backpack, tacky interior, and yes, the exterior is ugly. Not even Pontiac Aztek ugly, where it can grow on you—more like uncanny valley ugly,…
Both dispensers of sage advice, albeit at different decibels.
Fuck this, I’m not dying in Florida
10:1 she drives a 90s Nissan Altima with dents in every panel and curb rash on all 4 wheels. Based on my experience with their owners. If instead it was a male who did this, I would bet that he drove a Dodge Ram.
Some people just REALLY want to get out of Detroit.
Probably just a practicing a new flight pattern since Trump is going to be President soon. Does the sight of a low flying C130 really scare yankees that bad??? It would be cool if they had guys jumping out the back, and trying to land in Central Park.
I thought he was a man of wealth and taste?
“...the staff became frustrated and worried after making multiple 911 calls, saying the local police took almost 30 minutes to arrive on scene.”