Zed Park

Amen to everything. These dedicated weirdos trying to make Christianity “modern” are just fucking everything up. It’s hard to be neutral and accepting of this brand of friendly, fuzzy fire-and-brimstone that tries to seduce kind, sensible young Jesus-hippies. Guitars and man-buns and Bieber don’t help with sad,

Sex positive for women means having sex on their own terms , expressing their sexuality without fear or shame, owning their own body and having zero tolerance for anyone trying to claim it. All this has been denied to women for millennia, whereas porn and prostitution are nothing new, they have been a tool of

Yes, that’s a good point.

This was my initial view of the porn industry until basically PR campaigns and Internet intellectuals convinced me that it was just a job people do. Then it turned out that independent sex positive feminist Sasha Grey was actually physically and emotionally abused by her bf/promoter and forced to do a bunch of things

Because men never give up their career in lieu of raising children...especially for daughters.*

I am now going to go hug my dad, who quit his job and followed my mother to Europe because he missed infant-me so much.

That is so weird to me. Even as a dad, I don’t get this. I mean I do, but... I don’t get this. My wife and I based my time off of work on how needy each child was. The more needy and difficult each baby was determined how many weeks of vacation I would take. Our middle daughter needed the most TLC when she was born so

Me too. I have fucking eyes, people. And most porn with women in it, like I’d say 99%, is inherently misogynist shit. I can’t watch hetero porn and I’m a hetero woman. I watch, if I watch at all because frankly the entire industry is run by the shadiest, most fucked up people on the earth, gay men. Partially because

And with the boy babies you are way more likely to get your face pissed on. This is just poor decision making.

Women in America are taught to love mediocre white men and that’s him in a nutshell.

It’s very strange to me. Feminists agree that patriarchy exist and that misogyny still shapes modern society. Third-wave feminists analyse (as they should) all aspects of society and the consequences that power imbalances between men and women have on our behavior, on the position of women in society, on relationships

ETA: my following rant doesn't mean in any way that I don't respect women who act in porn. I just find the industry to be extremely problematic.

A few months ago, there was a really strong and strange (to me) critique of the movie Hot Girls Wanted for shining a light on an aspect of the porn industry that is very woman un-friendly. The article read to me like it was accusing the documentary producers of taking a hardline, anti-porn stand, which I don’t think

Actually, I do kind of like her. She seems smart and funny. I would actually have a beer with her. I think she’d be fun to play foosball or darts with.

Also, there have been anecdotes for years (sorry, don’t have links) that Hillary Clinton is actually likable in personal situations. She supposedly did a great job connecting with other world leaders as Secretary of State and at small campaign events when she was running for Senator. She also worked well with several

The more she gets this sexist bullshit thrown on her, the more I like her. The more she acts like the only goddamned adult in a room full of elected officials, the more I like her.

She was also the first female partner of her old law firm, and a lifelong advocate for the rights and safety of children, often working pro bono in child advocacy cases while working in other areas of law. Whenever people accuse her of being cold, or lacking progressive cred, I think about how progressivism is

I think one real strength Hillary’s got working in her favor is that she’s been around long enough (she’s been working with Congress since the early 70’s) that she is able to be calm and candid in situations that others find so stressful they can only fall back on scripted responses. That’s why any tactics that rely

Anytime I hear someone say they don’t like Hilary, I ask them what policies they don’t like. More often than not, they don’t have an answer other than that they think she’s a bitch, or didn’t like how she handled the Monica Lewinsky thing. It is infuriating.

Well yes, duh— the media has been bitching about her unlikability since the 90s. The litany is tiresome by now. She’s too cold, she’s not professional enough, she’s too smart, she’s too ambitious, she’s not pretty enough, she doesn’t smile right, they don’t like her hair, they don’t like her pantsuits, and would it