Zed Park

Celeb parents will do these in part to make paparazzi photos less valuable. Getting a photo of a never before seen child is usually a MUCH bigger payday than getting a photo of a kid who was just all over People.

And yet every bit of your post is accurate. I've considered having babies, but infants are boring and toddlers are a nightmare. So then I’ve often thought that I’d like to adopt a five year old but then, I’d have to find a really well-cared for five year old. So, a five year old of very loving parents who did all the

I also appreciate her adopting a child from within the US. Of course, adopting a child from anywhere is a wonderful act of love, but I feel like with the rich and famous it often comes off as a “look at my foreign exotic designer baby” kind of thing. There are way too many foster children getting bounced around the

I like the fact that Sandra looks pissed in the pic and her daughter’s back is to the camera. There may be pics of Laila’s face on the inside shots, but I like that the cover seems defiant and like she’s trying to keep her family private.

Considering that kids past their first birthday are often considered unadoptable—much less black children—this is a pretty damn nice thing for Bullock to do. Good on her.

Calling Stoya’s statement defamatory means exactly that, “I did not rape Stoya and I can prove it in court.” It seems bloodless to a lay person, but it’s the strongest way of calling a person a liar that lawyers can deploy.

Legit, the woman hates asking for money. She gets that it’s necessary, but I’ve heard (and I actually know people who are close-ish to her) that she hates the fundraising process. There are actually a lot of politicians who hate fundraising and aren’t good at it. Bill eases a lot of it for her, because he’s so

I never did understand why people consider ‘politicianness’ to be a bad trait in a politician! Personally, I would rather have my politics taken care of by somebody who knows how to do the job. Both of the Clintons have that gift (however reluctantly one might be forced to admit that being good at that job is a gift).

OH JESUS. Not a presidential candidate who is able to get along with people despite potentially differing views. What a horrible quality in a world leader! What’s next?! Diplomacy skills?

I agree. People get down on her for being too much of a politician, but like...her job is a politician, and she’s good at it.

As a Hillary support, this just makes me feel good. :) It was like a hug - the Clintons are not just super competent, but also nice.

These are very diplomatic qualities. The Clinton’s ability to create and sustain symbiotic relationships with powerful people is something that can only serve Hillary and the country. It should be considered a positive attribute.

I’m not mad at this? Treating people who support your endeavors with respect is a good thing.

like speaking of gender non-conformity or identifying “as” a gender gives gender more power than gender deserves? (is how i feel anyway)

I think the problem with the concept of ‘gender non-conforming’ for me is for that to work, we need to take on board that all people of a set gender act the same way, with the exception of those who define themselves as non-conforming. That’s at its heart a traditionalist point of view. It presupposes that what makes

Although don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to discount his experiences or his viewpoint, genderqueer as presented in the article just seems like a way to say “I don’t buy the construct of gender essentialist behaviour”. Which, okay? Neither do I, but I don’t see myself as gender queer.

I live in Brussels, an hour and half’s train ride away and this is shocking and scary. I understand what you mean and I fear for the Muslims in Western Europe right now as much as for every other innocent person, but things are going all sorts of wrong. The scariest thing is - I don’t see a solution to this and I

TBH, Islamic terrorism is the only form that currently and consistently operates across 5 continents. And a tiny fraction of 1.5 billion is an awful lot of fucktards.

Culture change.