
Bearing in mind the direction 2018 took, here is my car-related prediction for 2019:

Hasn’t he already suffered enough?!

Yes, this is the perfect answer. Get one in blue with the full leather interior in caramel with wood trim.

Company looks legit.

Pictured in a junkyard, the Disco’s native habitat. 

This thing was so fugly to start with that literally any modifications could only make it less ugly, as seen here. Copious eye bleach still required though.

Maybe it’s there to hold the engine in?

1,000,000 miles in five years, or 1,825 days.

Nice and clean until 1-4 years after production when 75% of pixels no longer function. Not to mention the bevy of other warning lights undoubtedly illuminated. Then, less clean.

“It will be fine for our roads.”

You’re that engineer, aren’t you?


It’s the 2020 Sporty McTruckFace!

and today if this happened people would be screaming hysterically and climbing over each other to get out while also toting their 50lb carryons and on Facetime conference calls with relatives and lawyers while their kids livestream to their schoolmates and the NRA released a statement lamenting the lack of guns on

You know the situation is pretty grim when a 1999 Dodge Ram is a pallet cleanser...

You lost me at King Ranch F250.

That Explorer better be armored and for the drug lord owner’s low-profile escape needs when rival forces are closing in on his 8 series collection.

Yeah I’m sure there are lots of “wealthy” individuals looking for trash-modded hard-driven 6 year old high milage Fiat economy cars...

I’ll have mine in teal, please.