Confession: I don’t want this one but I’ve always wanted a black Evoque coupe.
Confession: I don’t want this one but I’ve always wanted a black Evoque coupe.
Ran when barked.
data volume of more than 16.5 GB
Jason, thank you for bringing light to this dark time. I cracked up as soon as I saw that picture.
FFS, pushing a car in neutral for exercise is a horrible, dangerous idea.
Haha, I know all too well. My 2.8 quattro A6 was getting like 8 MPG city. The 2.7t was much, much better actually. But still a nightmare. And like you these days I drive a Ford Fusion Energi! I feel your pain but it’s a good car!!! I do miss my Imola S4 though...
Same exact experience, owned two C5s.
They are dirt cheap for a reason. I also owned two C5 A6s including a 6speed 2.7t with 80k that I picked up for $8500 in 2008!!! The ownerh ad left DC for a State Dept assignment and the car was sitting in his friends driveway for 3 months without any interest, until I came along.
Former owner of almost the exact same car, including 6 speed, I think it was a 2003. Wonderful car, brilliant combo with the 2.7t and 6 speed. Very comfortable and fast, a great sleeper. I enjoyed it as much as the S4 with the same engine that I also once owned.
Former owner of almost the exact same car, including 6 speed. Wonderful car, brilliant combo with the 2.7t and 6 speed. Very comfortable and fast, a great sleeper. I enjoyed it as much as the S4 with the same engine that I also once owned.
Godspeed/God help you!
Step 1: Remove the cars.
No, I was hoping that was the case. I hope once the tech gets there and companies get their ass in gear people won’t be too hesitant to adopt. I would hate to go back to a non-hybrid/electric, it really grew on me. Not that I would say no to an occasional spirited drive in a Corvette or something ridiculous (sadly I’m…
Good thing nobody is making you buy one. Serious question, if you had the choice between a fully electric truck or standard ICE of exactly equal performance and cost (not saying this exists yet), which would you choose?
I’m crushed to hear this.
Whatever dumb piece of trash that buys this dumb piece of trash certainly won’t give a shit about the CEL or potential environmental pollution.
Good thing their PSI wasn’t off.