Heroes do exist.
Heroes do exist.
Having driven them around Afghanistan among other places, I am not surprised to see 4runner at the top of the list.
And this is why I always look both directions four times before going through intersections, green light or not. The Lexus LX noticed the Camaro and did not proceed and wasn’t hit. It’s important to always pay attention even when you’re in the far right lane.
Ugh this bastard is a genius.
Dear US airlines:…
Well they would definitely want to swap it for anything besides a 2015 MKX if they ever wake up.
I kinda like the newer one but I think 2015 was the previous generation which is painful to even look at.
$600 a month for a 2015 MKX. Is this an April Fools post?
I’m sure they will be offering an illuminated logo for $5000 extra very soon. Like Mercedes.
I would have absolutely chosen the Corolla. I had a newer one for a few months in the UAE a couple years ago. It wasn’t that bad.
The company itself said it did nothing wrong and yet they still stick the poor shmuck being paid $20 an hour to sit and look the screen with the ticket? Sound about right.
No. But being killed or injured by fireworks or other stupid shit is probably overrepresented in the Monster Truck demographic. SOMETHING has to balance out their relentless breeding.
Words printed on a stub of paper do not absolve any individual or entity from responsibility for firing fireworks into crowds.
I heart Darwinism.
Same thing happened to me last summer. Part of me died driving that car. I actually went out of my way to go back and swap it for a Ford Fusion.
We have reached the singularity. Who would have thought we’d arrive in a Honda pickup truck?
As an owner of a red 2012 Jetta GLI exactly like the one pictured (and previously numerous Audis)... NO.
There other options between “1980s LED digital clock” and “hard to read especially while DRIVING A FUCKING CAR anachronistic analog clock.”
great now you’ve gotten me all wound up
Just wait until they install digital screens displaying analog clocks....