
Dear Volkswagen: đź–•

Are you really trying to imply that flying a plane is less complicated and risky than driving a car? There are SO MANY hazards when flying a plane. If there weren’t and it was simple, you wouldn’t have to go through intensive training for years to learn how to do it.

And they really aren’t that complicated. I drove a Tesla with Autopilot recently and I found it even simpler than expected to operate. Would I trust it to drive me if I wasn’t looking or paying attention? Absolutely not. Was it a really nice advanced cruise control on a long drive, and also safer when used properly?…

It’s... not bad looking! The world truly has gone mad.

They certainly would slow down traffic.

That’s what happens when you eat too many live puppies for breakfast.

Name checks out. We should probably be friends.

An auto-pilot system in a Tesla is designed and intended to relieve the diver of some strain during a long drive. It does not absolve the driver of the responsibilities to, among other things, keep an adequate visual lookout, monitor navigation and signs, and be ready to take over control at any moment. Equipping…

I certainly hope those rims have more integrity than Chris Christie.

I kinda like it. How long do you estimate until 90% of the components have failed? Immediately? 1 year? 5 years?

Please let us know what happens. I want to see future pics of you and your friend’s sister’s kids in car seats in the back of an M45.

“Beauty” is a strong word. Personally, I’d go with “unique” or “interesting.”

Interesting. As the only person ever to have seen the film, I guess we’ll have to take your word.

Said doors will promptly be banned by right wingers.

We don’t?

just stalin for time while you try to think of something more clever, UAZhole!

Weak. You need to putin more effort.

Standard idiot response: “Oh look, an avalanche! I’m going to stand right in front of it and film instead of moving quickly to a safe position!” That thing could have changed speed and volume almost instantaneously. Poor quality video checks out.

The US domestic airline industry and Trump are a perfect match for one another. Bottom feeding exploitative and unethical pure scum.

Do you really need to put “$800" in every god damn headline about this car? Furthermore, I really hate these kind of click bate-esq headline phrasings.