zed nought!

I dunno, using both the DualShock and Xbox360 regularly, I kind of prefer the asymmetric analogs on the 360 controller. But the DualShock obviously looks better from a design perspective. I think it all comes down to personal preference, maybe other folks find the DualShock more comfortable. I may have strangely

If your data-plan is packaged in with the price of the hardware ownership, this could be a really good idea. The existing Verizon 3G plans they have for the CR48 have been a stellar experience for me, I regularly visit some crazy backward rural areas and have never lacked a connection. If I was forced to actually buy

Hooray, a new series for SyFy to launch, meddle with the development of, cripple with bad promotion and inconsistent scheduling, and then cancel due to ratings.

Don't forget "Tablet Tweaks"! (originally a project for the Nook Color, but merged into CM7 for the rest of the Android world) which adds some convenience and UI features usually only available to Honeycomb users. Features include moving the status bar to the bottom, persistent software buttons for

To be perfectly honest, I've always thought the Serenity movie paled in comparison to its television series, like a mediocre film version of some beloved novel. It tied up the story line of the Firefly series, and that's all the movie did for me.

That's the kind I would buy. All the other Win7 (and Android) tablets I've tried have had terrible pen tracking when trying to work with precision. I want a tablet I can DRAW ON, and I have read so many good things about the Fujitsu/Wacom tablets.

That was my first thought as well, but System Restore seems to only backup the registry and other key system configuration files, not the entire OS or user files along with it. (And honestly, I'd rather keep the two separated anyway. I'll back up data myself, and the OS can take care of itself. Hopefully they will

If $100/year isn't too much for you, try Dreamhost. They only give you a 50GB backup account, but then you have unlimited space/bandwidth for webhosting, plus a free domain registration each year. If you're quiet about it, you could store [practically unlimited] backups on your hosting user(s). Check it out: [www.dream

IMO, this is the best feature of DropBox. My webserver was having trouble hosting files over 100mb and it was killing my bandwidth anyway, so I moved the large files to DropBox and created permalinks to them. Visitors are getting better download speeds and my server takes less load.

[deleted comment]

Yeah that is pretty ew, but I would guess somebody makes (or will eventually make) a dedicated hdmi-out dongle...just not as part of this crazy all-in-one.

I like to blame my anger on radio waves or magnetic fields.

Kinda surprised you guys didn't mention CreditKarma.com - absolutely free credit score checks (including insurability score) any day of the week. Been using them for about 4 months, really great service.

That's the one thing good I can say about Samsung, is that they keep their hardware relatively free from bootloader lockdowns and anti-hack prevention, so the folks at XDA support it fairly well.

Future aside, there are actually quite a few phones I'd recommend to replace the G1 (if you can spare a row of keyboard.) Most of all...the G2. Even though it's running an 800mhz processor, it's a much more efficient 800mhz, so it can edge out the Hummingbird running in the Galaxy S phones while being nicer on the

Aw damn, should have payed attention to the "-SB" sig at the end. Pass my compliments along to Sam then!

Chris, your copy for these deal roundups has been consistently hilarious. Keep up the superb work!

Simply by upgrading the memory to at or above 1GB, (old mem like would be compatible in that dinosaur is incredibly cheap on eBay; if the mobo supports it, you could pick up 2GB of PC2700 DDR for about $15) I've actually got quite a few old systems of that age to run Windows 7 smoothly. Better than XP runs in some

I do this once in awhile, but I can never bear to throw out the unused stuff...so my closet is packed with little boxes full of leftover desk junk.

I wonder how this is going to affect handset manufacturers for the next year or so, especially ones tied so integrally with T-Mobile, like HTC. Will they just keep making phones with the knowledge that they'll be crippled at the time AT&T flips the switch? Or will manufacturers start building phones with 3G radios