zed nought!

Hell if the damn thing can read PDF's it's worth the $99 just as a portable sheet music/textbook reader. I just wish I could find a place selling them. How long you think until they show up on Woot?

I would have gone for a more seamless approach, with no wires showing. Like embed the led underneath the skin and use the heart as a power source. And with all that trouble, might as well use an RGB led so you can pick any color you'd like, or cycle through them with each blink. It'd be a bitch to replace the bulb

Mmm...Apple jelly roll.

Clap Phone seems like a great idea but I worry that it'd be a huge battery drain with the phone constantly checking for microphone input. Android battery life is fickle enough as it is...

I give it three days til somebody has Ubuntu installed.

Oh dear God, Comic Sans!

Don't know if this was a symbolic stunt shot or what, but seriously guys, that's what Woot's for! Those camera's could have been my next Bandolier of Carrots!

It's not exactly "pointless" removal...especially with everybody on wide screen monitors and the new small-screen Chromebooks coming out. Any way to save horizontal pixel real estate is welcome by me!

I can't really see this as a bad thing. Powerusers will either turn the feature off or know how to use it to their advantage...and my grandmother will continue typing urls into the Google homepage.

I can get an 12-pack of AAA or AA's at Dollar General for $7. Energizers, not any weird generic brand. Never go into the store except for that reason.

This season has really been a fantastic change from last year. Nicely complicated plots, just right amount of drama, and that constant "Don't blink or they'll get you" kind of tension. To be honest, the only reason I kept watching last year was for Smith & Gillian, who take on their roles brilliantly and held the

Yep. No reason to dual-boot my CR-48 with Ubuntu anymore. Though it'd be nice if they'd add Java support to the official build.

Woops, I meant to start a new thread, not reply to yours. But yeah you and Zendax are right. I would guess the majority of TLOG has never been digitized. Still... portable digital storage capacity has been increasing at an exponential scale for the last couple decades. For the sake of argument let's say the Library

The Library of Congress is only 74 terabytes? Gee wiz. Give it 10 years and everybody will be carrying around The Library on their phone. 5 for desktops.

I was more thinking along the lines that Amazon sells albums through the Amazon MP3 App. Whether the music gets dropped into your cloud player or downloaded to your device, Apple's policy would require that they get 30% of the money from that music sale. And the policy also states that bouncing sales to a web browser

My guess is that Amazon won't be supporting an iOS native client until Apple's inane new "30% in-app purchase tax" policy is cleared up. By rerouting to a webapp, Amazon is basically running through a loophole.

The perfect addition to my Cyanogenized Nook Color!

I agree on all points. As a side point, have you tried [imo.im] ? For me it has replaced the Skype client (in my browser and on Android) for all cases except video chat.

I already have a Nook Color with CyanogenMod7 (Gingerbread) on it, which I am more than happy with. I just thought the double display looked intriguing.

Anybody used those folding Androids at woot before? I'm strangely tempted. Some of the comments say it's very dev friendly and can be easily upgraded to vanilla Froyo.