Yeah, IMDB seems to list his name was Superpower, but the unofficial fan wiki says Githu. I guess I'm okay with either.
Yeah, IMDB seems to list his name was Superpower, but the unofficial fan wiki says Githu. I guess I'm okay with either.
I didn't find him particularly scary in this episode (I accidentally spoiled his earlier reveal for myself a while ago) but I do love his acting. He really pulls off the character, he feels so cocky. I wish he had a few more scenes this season.
I felt that way as well, and even their objective felt a bit unclear. But yeah, tomorrow.
The Hollywood party dress up scene felt so weird at first, which definitely made Lito's moment with Hernando on the beach much more powerful. It was a really beautiful scene :3
How many stars would you give oranges?
The last third of Aliens is amazing. Just completely unrelenting tension and near non-stop action for almost an hour.
I like it because it reinforces the whole mother/daughter theme with Ripley and Newt with an extra scene or two.
Yeah, it's got great direction and I like the cast. Some fun kills and other cool moments too.
It doesn't really bother me, but at first I thought for sure he was dead after the bus thing. Did they ever show him after he got hit?
I'm okay with that as an explanation. I also wonder if maybe it has to do with the cluster, like kicking a drug is easier when you know you've got the support of 7 other individuals you're telepathically linked with. I'd be okay with that as well.
They have way too many legs for something on Earth. They're more cthulhu monster than bug, I swear.
Can't forget the one in Hot Rod that ends with like a minute of Andy Samberg rolling down a hill:…
It's funny, I've been googling the episode a bit to find other comments, and we seem to be the only cluster worrying about the explosion.
No idea, I'm an indoor kid.
Neither is on my radar, that's why I had to ask. >_>
Wait, have we reached a point where another sport flops more than soccer?
I feel honored.
The beat bangs, no lie.
Two replies, too many.
They were still #1 during 2016.