Grunt tho :(
Grunt tho :(
IIRC their budget got cut or something so the only action scenes they could afford were the fight at Red's place, the car chase and the ending, but they wanted to include more.
Dark Souls 3 because I have now become a full time Dark Souls gamer and am perfectly content never playing anything else ever again.
Levelling up in DS2 costs so little in comparison to DS1. Don't be surprised to be well past 120 by the end of the game. I was at 200 once I finished up all the DLCs. Makes PVP a bit weird too.
Yeah, Bethesda always drops the ball when it comes to giving you smart choices and allowing the world to react realistically. I loved the concept behind FO4's main story, putting you in the middle of this war and letting you go undercover and play the factions off each other, but they just couldn't wrap it up in a way…
Holy fuck, did they put the arrow on the wrong side on one of them, cut out the tip and then tape it to the other side? Bravo, bravo.
Having watched them recently for the first time about a month or two again, I think all y'all Blade detractors are crazy.
That's what I love about Mirror Knight in DS2?
That's exactly it, I think there's some sort of loop hole where he can get away with it because it gets counted as fair use because it's a distinct work of parody or satire. And he has some sort of personal code where even though he could legally release all of his music, he withholds songs if the original artists…
Eh, don't be sorry, it's my bad, I was clearly being a dick earlier. It was pretty dumb of me to come in and harshly defend a movie I haven't seen in years in a pretty baseless way.
It'll be an interesting case to see develop. Did he actually sample the song or rerecord the parts? Maybe he could pass it under parody law or something like that.
You may need to calm down a bit. Criticism is still subjective and I'm allowed to disagree with those, I'm also not super well equipped to heavily defend a movie I haven't seen in years. I really didn't mean to come across so antagonistically and I'm sorry if you've been offended.
That's exactly why it's so dumb. There's no logical reason something so harmless should result in an "expensive mistake and valuable life lesson".
You can do whatever you want in an invasions, just don't heal in duels and fight clubs, because that's when the game is essentially emulating a fighting game. Think about player invasions as being like the NPC ones, it's just a combo of PVE and PVP, there's no actual honor involved though.
Actually, you know what bothers me the most? Summon spams. Especially when you kill their phantom and the host just camps a bonfire or something until they've reappeared.
I'm in the "No Estus in duels and fight clubs, do LITERALLY ANYTHING YOU WANT in invasions." camp.
I still think the faction system in FO4 was unique and really novel, it's literally the only game I can think of that has you play most of the storyline as an undercover double agent type of character, including the sort of choices that go along with that. It's just that the main emotional drive behind the narrative,…
DS fans are nuts. The extent they're willing to go to test video game mechanics blows my mind. Although I feel like the mimic trick but have been something they found in a strategy guide. It just seems too obscure.
I read that online and do it to most mimics I come across, then I kill them after out of spite.
Agreed. And you get good items from them too. It's so easy to ruin Yuria or Sirris's questlines and miss out on some really nice stuff.