
Honestly, as much as I hate the outcome of the trial, I’m reticent to say “fuck this judge” because I don’t see how he could have come to any other conclusion.

Who DOES need to be fucked? The Crown Prosecutor for completely fucking up at doing their job. They handed this case over with barely a fight.

If the standard is beyond a reasonable doubt, and all you have is testimony of people who have been objectively proven to have lied in court during the same trial, then no, that's not enough.

that’s a poorly worded statement by the judge, but the witnesses’ credibility was severely damaged. if that hadn’t happened, then their testimony would’ve been enough to convict. if they don’t look credible, then the testimony is not worth much without other evidence to back it up.

But he is right. There is a vocal set of people who are committed to “believing survivors/accusers” based on nothing other than the fact that they have accused someone of sexual assault. This describes many commenters here on Jezebel. It ignores any interest in finding the actual truth and is a bananas way of going

As usual, women pay the price for sex. As usual, men can beat and denigrate women but the women are the ones who are on trial. Fuck this judge, fuck the media, and especially fuck that asswipe Ghomeshi.

He is a hardline conservative on most issues who is certainly more in favor of boots-on-the-ground interventionism than the mainstream, but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy, nor is he a bigot or a cretin. Yes, he holds Republican party line positions on every issue, and no, I don’t agree with any of them. But

This morning on MSNBC, he said “If Trump wins, we’ll have to build a wall to keep people IN.” And then “John Kasich would beat Hillary by eleven points, so obviously he’s out.”

Are you and I seriously the only two people on this thread to know about adulterated street drugs?

I don’t totally agree...in one of my psychopathology classes in college, my professor told us the one drug to never try was LSD....for most people that do it they’re fine, but for people that have a predisposition to mental illness (particularly schizophrenia) it can trigger a serious episode that you may never

I wonder whether it might not have been adulterated somehow? And/or whether he was on other medications/psychotropics that may have combined badly?

There are some people who just don’t really care about food. My sister is like that, and while she doesn’t diet like a crazy person, she just doesn’t really care about what she eats. When she started working out in the mornings she started having cold porridge and tofu for breakfast because it had the nutrients she

One thing I will say for her...at least she’s not pretending like she eats cheeseburgers and fries all the time when she doesn’t. I enjoy the honesty, even if it is depressing as hell.

Never before has so much beauty inspired so little envy.

That was a confusingly bitchy rant from him. If she’s rude to the waitstaff, say that. But aggressively mocking one of your customers for ... eating healthy? What the fuck’s his angle?

Right. I forgot that women are supposed to be impossibly thin but still act like we can pound cheeseburgers and beers in public, Wolfgang. She should order the pasta and then just work out 16 hours when she gets home so she can appear less uptight to you.

That’s why I prefer to keep it waxed

That’s how she fortifies that steely gaze.

Maybe this is what comes from becoming hot after an entire boyhood being known as Fat Cavill.

I think I get why his girlfriend is a teenager.