The only thing that can stop a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun. Arm all toddlers!
The only thing that can stop a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun. Arm all toddlers!
I wonder why the kid wanted to play with it?
Not to mention she calls her gun a toy and “plays” with it.
Well, if she insists….
WAY too many of these “Don’t be a fraidy cat of my gun” intimidater types don’t have the FIRST CLUE as to how to store or handle them safely.
It’s time for mandatory education before purchase, ‘cause these people just aren’t getting it done.
Got to play with my new toy today! Time to clean it!
Got to play with my new toy today!
new toy today!
Because, duh, who did Alex Roldan murder?
Oh dear heavens please let that never happen.
Everyone in my Oscar pool that year was CONVINCED he had it locked down, and I was like “aw, bless. Old white men are not voting for Eddie Murphy.” And I won the Oscar pool.
you KNOW Lea Michele would DIE for that role... or at least her Glee character would.
This. This is not the role to throw at an okay actress, just because she’s got a big voice.
Agreed, as great as Beyoncé is, she is not a good actress. Jennifer Hudson was amazing though.
I don’t know why people are clamoring for her to act again. It is is not good. It was never good. There are plenty of women out there who can sing and act wonderfully.
She was overshadowed as all getout in Dreamgirls. There’s a reason people still remember Jennifer Hudson and Eddie Murphy in that movie, but Beyonce is rarely mentioned.
Brad, sweetie, you’re never going to quell those gay rumors by remaking A Star Is Born, which is in the top five of ‘movies for the gay’. If you insist, you’re going to have to cast a gay icon, like Judy or Barbara. Gaga?
Who do you hire to replace Beyoncé? A Star Is Born starring Taylor Swift? A Star Is Born starring Rihanna? Don’t get me wrong, I’d see both of those movies, but would they be any good?
That was so awful, I wanted to forget, I'm now reminded.
Gawd, she was sooooo awful in Austin Powers. A COMEDY!