
No. I do not get it.

Golda Meir had it right. Men should just stay home.

Also, if your religion prohibits you from interacting with literally half the people on the planet, your religion probably sucks.

Why wouldn’t they simply move the dude? He’s the one with the issue.

Seems like an evolutionary disadvantage.

Finally. If your religion prohibits any sight or incidental contact with women, maybe you should stay home. We certainly won't.

Damn straight.

Yes I was a dick. I feel STRONGLY about this.

I’m pretty sure it’s just that JJ Abrams went back in time for a photo shoot there.

My conscience

Nothing is haunted. There is no such thing as ghosts. Never. Never have been. Never will be. Oooh, a lot of people have said they have felt things! Sensed things! Liars. Deluded, weak, ineffectual attention seekers. Ghosts do not exist. Stop. Stop please.

I’ll bet she has decorative “wall words” all over her house that say “Family”, “Eat” in the kitchen, and so forth.

That’s a special case though. Don’t base all your weight ideas on anecdotes. That’s pretty uncommon. I doubt all the fat people out there are actually very athletic, let’s be honest.

Extended bouts of verbal diarrhea can’t be healthy either.

get skinny and stay skinny the natural way, folks. with a crippling nicotine addiction! enjoy this matching virginia slim outfit to wear when you accidentally cough up a piece of your lung

Also these people and rings always target the same ‘types’ of children.

Well, he did make the attractive Johnny Depp disappear, so maybe.....?

Her thirst can melt steel door frames!

I wish Johnny Depp would get himself involved in the disappearance of that terrible facial hair.

Watching this live and she is absolutely lovely, as always. Waiting for her performance. Adele is the balls. Every female performer should look to her on how to get by on talent and not on anything else.