Because he’s turned somewhat agoraphobic and seeks solace in food and drugs. Those aren’t indicators of someone who is happy.
Because he’s turned somewhat agoraphobic and seeks solace in food and drugs. Those aren’t indicators of someone who is happy.
Does the clover mean something now? I’m so behind the times.
It’s the price to pay for being a direction-less leech. The other sisters are hustling and making pimp mama kris proud, rob can’t be sold for sex, he’s useless at star-fucking, he’s not much of a television personality, and so far his greatest endeavour in life has been a fucking sock collection, that isn’t even…
Also, Rob is “souping”?
It only gets worse.
At one point wasn’t OJ going to write a book that’s basic premise was I totally didn’t do it but if I did here’s how I would, and then everyone was like nooooo maybe don’t do that.
The verdict was a “I remember where I was” moment for me, being a senior in college at Arizona State at the time. I was standing in the memorial hall cafeteria (for some reason, I never really ate there), and looking up at the TV. Some hick-like dude was standing next to me, watching the verdict. When it came down, I…
Just last night I watched the episode of Star Trek where Data experiences his first emotion - anger - at having his life threatened by a Borg. He kills the Borg with his bare hands, and then experiences his second emotion - pleasure - at having killed the person that was trying to harm him. I imagine my emotional arc…
I’m heartbroken for all of them.
The incident only ended when his parents arrived.
A sobering reminder that men are 82,000x more likely to be raped than falsely accused of rape.
As we address the inappropriate behavior displayed by several students ...
Once you get to the point of “murdered a thirteen year old girl” I don’t think it matters whether it’s federal crime or not anymore. You’re probably going away forever.
He’s British.
I hope I’m wrong but I’m guessing she receives her fair share of slut shaming from the wives and girlfriends (‘why don’t you cover up then?’ ‘Or maybe don’t dress like a stripper or porn star!’ Etc). I doubt all recipients respond this way but I can imagine many would lash out in embarrassment or hurt or shock (at…
Yep. Totally normal price. It’s why I’m stuck at home right now till I find a job that pays enough to put my kid in care. It’s a balancing act.
I live in the midwest, and USD$1,400/month for a licensed, accredited daycare is about average, if not low.
Not to mention that offering men paid family leave would help normalize taking that leave, so that it isn’t seen as a greedy entitlement.
Yeah, I think it’s really important to emphasize paid leave for men and women. Especially since the gendered income gap is based largely on the fact that women gravitate toward jobs that pay less but have more flexible scheduling, since they tend to shoulder greater burdens outside of work (as mothers, or taking care…
Agreed...except for the “pro-life” part. They aren’t pro-life, they are pro fetus. Anyone post-birth is on their own, friend.