
For real? I was a big Sassy fan, liked Jane mag fine, but find xojane to be embarrassing. The comments section is just trigger warning and faux pc outrage drivel. None of their readers can walk outside without an emotional protective coating. OG Sassy would have laughed their Docs off.

No, this is not a proper Sassy issue. The last “real” Sassy before it was bought and turned into a YM clone was November 1994. This was almost a year and a half after that; Sassy at this point had nothing in common with the original except the name. And Sassy never would have had most of those stories, much less

“Outgoing girls are dumb and Courtney Love is probably old.”- Sassy

I don’t know there is a line between being honest and real (like some of those) and just being twatty. Some of the articles were awesome. The Kelly one was twatty.

This whole thing whiffs of the sort of “I’m a mean girl but I’m a brunette, so it’s okay that I’m rude as fuck, unlike those blonde cheerleaders, who are bitches when they do it” sentiment that I’ve seen in so many 90’s high school movies, that just makes me glad that I wasn’t in high school during those years.

When I ask her if it’s hard to play a cheerleader type

Hear me! For I have Taken Offense, and I shall let it be known to all far and wide that I am owed An Apology. You shall grovel before my almighty sanctimony to my eternally unattainable satisfaction.

No, she means the general population being unable to differentiate between a joke that pokes fun at the asshole vs. a joke made at the expense of an entire group of people because the joke deals with race in some manner.

20 years ago: “I’m offended.”

Good Lord, people really took offense with Krakowski’s character arch? It was an absolutely clear jab at racism in our society, not at the Native-Americans themselves. There’s no way to be confused about that!

An entirely reasonable comparison that any reasonable person would draw.

I would like to deeply apologize for the above comment. When I said “so long Jerkbags”, I didn’t mean to imply that the rest of you are, in fact, Jerkbags. I was suffering from exhaustion at the time and have deep respect for the Jerkbag community.

Wait, we’re allowed to opt out of it? Finally. So long jerkbags!


It is not forced cultural assimilation to explain that in the new country there are laws, and those laws must be obeyed. Rape is against the law, even if it is of one’s spouse. This does not seem to me to be remotely controversial.

Please immediately deploy this modern Goofus and Gallant program to middle schools over here thank you.

To me, the last paragraph exemplifies why this is a good idea. It seems like they’re going out of their way to avoid saying “your immigrant ways are wrong” and instead are saying “there are the rules here. even if these rules don’t apply where you are from, they apply in Norway.”

Can someone offer a similar course for certain members of the GOP?

Is it weird that I feel like this is okay? Like, it should be taught as part of language classes and middle school classes and to everyone everywhere.

And now is when my theater nerdiness comes out.