
Traveling for work sucks. Some of these people spend 200+ days a year traveling, barely get to see their family, and essentially live their lives in a mishmash of cities where they have no social connections or time to make them. And now some of the few perks that make that lifestyle a bit better are going away and

Well, you might as well have gone full starving people, because they have it worse than those without benefits or inconvenient schedules. Is your logic that no one should complain because others have it worse? Because that is dumb and you should be mocked for that opinion.

Or they’re regular people that have to travel for a living and want some niceties for being away from home so often. Having these perks makes travelling for work a bit more livable.

This is a complete non sequitur.

Yeah, I think Joanna must not travel for work. As someone who does 4 out of 7 days on the road, this kinda stuff really matters in terms of convenience.

Sure, there are bigger battles to fight, but if you are someone who does spend a 100 nights a year in a hotel and a couple of hundred thousand miles a year with your butt in an airplane seat (I do neither of those things any longer), the perks of elite status do matter.

If you spent most of your life away from your family because you travel for your job, you would be pissed if one of the main perks of that situation was lessened/taken from you after already being incurred.

Read the article—they didn’t need her salary they needed her insurance.

I have health insurance. my husband does not. that is legitimately the only reason I am working still. it’s really good health insurance and it’s not terribly expensive. There are no other options. This is a problem. We are wealthy enough to do without my salary but to lose the insurance when you have three small

Jeez, you’re a dick. I could “afford” to have a baby, but I can't afford not to work. I have to put my kid in daycare. I have to let go of my anxiety a bit to be able to do my job as a mother, professional, and breadwinner. So eat a bag of dicks.

They could afford the child. What they couldn’t afford (and few people can) was to be able to take care of the child themselves during the day without using a day care. The woman was the primary provider for the family since she was the one with health insurance. Being able to stay at home with your child in the first

So, having children should only be a luxury afforded to the affluent?

It doesn’t sound like they couldn’t afford to have children though; just that they couldn’t afford to have one of the parents out of work.

Jerking off to the thought of denying refugee children entry to America.

So where is the pro-life, “pro-family” movement on this one?

Yeah, she's got that placenta thing where it embeds itself and doesn't just release like it's supposed to. It's really dangerous. Plus childbirth IS painful. She's allowed to say so.

Actually, I think she had a pretty hard birth experience. Didn’t she nearly bleed out or something? She’s said she was really fearful of pregnancy the second time because the first nearly killed her.

Yeah you’d fully expect her to pretend she’s having a marvellous time and she’s just such a natural mother!!! But she’s honest about it, and you just never see that. I can’t think of any other time a celebrity has even said that they hate being pregnant while they were pregnant, and certainly none who have gone into

I actually appreciate Kim’s honesty about pregnancy. It’s like.. the only thing I believe her about.

Gossip Cop says it’s fake and that Justin’s interview was pre-taped (it was supposed to air earlier but got pushed back because of the Paris attacks) so he isn’t even there. http://www.gossipcop.com/justin-bieber-…