
Nothing in her history suggests she is interested in better relationships, unfortunately. :/

But she hasn’t. She has terrible taste in men.

Patrick Stewart is on notice. HE CAN NEVER DIE.

It’s weird—we’re so encouraged to believe women when they report abuse, but there seems to be a knee-jerk disbelief when they deny it.

I love how everyone is badgered to “believe women” when they report abuse, but when they deny it, no one believes them.

The entire story of Dirty Dancing is based around Penny’s abortion. I wonder how (or if) they are going to handle that in this production.

Whoever did the musical selection deserves an Emmy. Also, I miss the first season the most. I loved the convoluted family elements and the ambiguously evil Balleseros. Also, black vomit.

Ha, I love that verb.

Helix was so bad, but I miss it. What is wrong with me?


Good for her. I love Pamela Anderson. I used to work at a restaurant in Malibu she frequented often and she was the nicest celebrity I’ve ever encountered.

I don’t think there’s anything interesting about Rihanna anymore.

“Budget Magneto” is my favorite thing in this review. <3

Most, but not all. I was at an outlet mall the other day and bought some Jockey underwear for 40% less than I paid at Kohl’s for the same thing the week before.

Even in Hollywood, there was only one Paul Newman.

Oh, I’ve read all the Bryson books. In fact, I keep an extra copy of “A Short History of Nearly Everything” around to loan out to people.

Oh, white privilege protects you from feeling sad after a breakup? Man, I’ve been doing this all wrong.

It’s amazing. I am reading it slowly so that I can enjoy it for longer!

Actually flawless, and not Beyonce “flawless.”

When I hear vocals like Adele’s, I’m like, “Beyonce who?”