
That's my guess, too. Fuck this guy. Ugh.

Why didn't she just do some squats?

Probably Photoshop. I sincerely doubt that Gisele cut off her signature hair.

A professor I used to work for did this, and it's because his wife was usually the one to take the kid to daycare. He completely forgot the kid was in the car and just did his usual drive to work. Heartbreaking.

This happened to someone I used to work with, too. A total absent minded professor (he was the stereotype) but an absolute nice guy. Such a horrific tragedy for everyone involved. If you have the opportunity to speak with Ross, please let him know that he does have the support and sympathy of many, many people. Our

I met him at a Stargate con once (don't judge me) and he was sweet and hilarious. He was doing a signing and someone had brought him dinner to eat as he hadn't had a chance earlier. I mentioned that I was starving and it smelled delicious and he flipped his knife around all pretend bad ass and said, "I'll fight you

Because I'm old (a Gen Xer) I have to ask: what is an "OG" Millennial? My google-fu failed me on this one.


Absolutely false. Wow.

I have a 4 month old and a 2.5 year old so I feel all of this. I work part-time and I have to day that going to work is a VACATION compared to being home with two kids. But it's still awesome to have them both. My son (the toddler) loves his baby sister so much. It's made my heart grow three sizes to see them interact.

Agree. I have a 4 month old and a 2.5 year old. I thought it was going to be a hellish nightmare, but it's about the same as having one kid. Weird, but I'm grateful.

I'm an outlier then too, I guess. I have two kids in diapers and it isn't all that much harder than having one kid.

Defensive and self-righteous—is it any wonder that she and Alec are MFEO?

As long as Megan Mullaley and Nick Offerman remain married, I'll still believe in love.

I desperately want Mike Holmes to come to my house and FIX ALL THE THINGS.

Her hair really is amazing, isn't it?

Woah, Biggie's son graduated from my high school. That is causing me all kinds of cognitive dissonance.

Perfectly stated, thank you.

Eh, they have a child together, so he's kind of stuck with her for life anyway.

My first though was that her dress looked like a garbage bag. Maybe it looked better in person?