
Woah..... the local news taps people from the neck down constantly without anyone's permission.

@Gary_7vn: Exactly... I can't believe how watered down that story has become... people really want to believe only one person kills another.

Isn't it going to burn a hole through that couch?

Oh my... Jigsaw and Brain?

I will 100% buy it when it comes out in the super-long edition dvd. It will cost roughly 10$ more.

If you've done gone and goofed up something fierce enough to have yourself tracked, don't buy a jammer. Throw out your GPS and cellphone.

@Balmut: This is the Hubble Space Telescope image, the parts that look identical do so because of the lens flares.

The comments are pretty amazing for this article... almost bordering on the line of "Name any scifi movie that isn't made by the Syfy channel" and not so much "classics."

@bakana: Thank you for pointing out these things. I threw up in my mouth when I read, "I think Moon and Children of Men are just barely a sci-fi movies."

@Sven Neve: Starship Troopers is a great movie, when not compared to the novel of course. I think that is why it, as well as, I, Robot, Total Recall, and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy are always shied away from when hardcore sci-fi films are being discussed. It's a pity, because I enjoy them all on their own

@taosaur: Exactly... Which is why I often try to know as little about a movie as possible before I see it.

@Feyhra: I agree. I can't stand Planet of the Apes... I wouldn't have minded 12 Monkeys making the list though, but that doesn't have talking monkeys.

Logan's Run is such a warped vision of society, it's hard not to love it. I would put this before Planet of the Apes any day of the week.

"Piranha 3D is a left-wing corporate entertainment plot to make you watch Mega-Piranha, embrace the police state, stop having sex, and reject evolutionary theory. I can't believe nobody noticed that but me."

This is actually quite easy to figure out.