
I don't know... I feel like they could have put a little more effort into cape animation. Frankly if it isnt perfect, it ruins the effect. I would gladly have given up lipsyncing, jumping and combat animations to see a slightly more realistic flowing cape.

I always imagined a Pong game Breakout-style, where you have to protect your bricks, and they protect theirs... perhaps even design your "fort" and unlock special bricks for building with.

"But at what point are we just getting our kicks watching kids destroy one another?"

I would love a girlfriend, but that desire is crushed by the fact that it means i will also have to deal with a woman on a personal level on a regular basis then.... I've had my share of batshit crazy for this lifetime... im also a huge contributor to the heap.

not sure if I'm the only one to see this but... his name is Edvard Munch, not Edward.

Maybe if they stopped making HoHo's AND Yodels. They could bank a few dollars.


You certainly put a ton of time into writing your comment but I'm not really sure where you got your info from... I mean, when it becomes a comment on a well-known blog; people reading it feel like the research has already been done and they can be comfortable trusting it, when in fact it just sounded good.

Next time in pointless research quarterly, we examine how junk food raises your IQ.

If the world only had 25 years left, politicians would spend 26 years arguing over the validity of the research that came to that theory. Nothing else would be accomplished.

I have a star, so no promotion needed :) thanks though!

"We've redesigned the Enterprise so that when you talk to someone you can see a list of other people to talk to on the right side of them."

I used to be on this site 10 times a day. I have barely checked it twice this week. I like to think that many people here are like me, and that means they can't be adjusting easily to this website garbage that got rolled out. It is easily the most unfriendly, mechanical, sterile design I have ever seen.

I vaguely get how you went that way with it..... the point was that it had to be a place that the world would take instant notice. It had absolutely nothing to do with aliens reasons for going one place over another. It was more about inciting panic and action.

This is exhausting. If UFO's are aliens and they are visiting Earth, they have to do this hovering BS at Ground Zero in NYC in broad daylight causing a state of emergency and the president to be whisked away to an underground bunker.... anything else is and will always be more hoax than truth.

@19XX: I have never seen an artist so bitter about another artist's creative process.

@blaaps: No risk, no reward?

@Patient: the drug is listed on the right side. You are wrong on all accounts. Nice try though.

@Beatcamel: There is certainly an opinion among people don't or never use drugs that the drugs have somehow made being creative easier and that in doing so they are taking or trying to take a shortcut....

@Mark 2000: Agreed. I thought the title of this article was a joke... then I read the linked to article...