
@gods-n-clods: Man, that #io9datingservice is all teeth and no nails.... is that a saying? Well, if it isn't/wasn't then it is now. It means lots of talk and no action. All I have learned there is that this large world that is sometimes small, is huge when you're looking for people to meet up with... but thanks for

@wirebrain: Thanks for the link. I have a feeling I've tried there before.

@headofprops: I live near Hawley, about 40 minutes from Scranton.

If there is anyone in the north eastern PA region that would like to introduce me to RPG's, LARPing, or tabletop games.... please feel free.

@BlueToast: I would venture to say that the "real" flashlight is going the way of the tip calculator... things like the flashlight app are replacing more and more pre-digital era items. There's a box in my garage that is full of those things: calculators, flashlights, fart machines, hand-held poker and blackjack

@zipeater: it's not supposed to be a "final product" program... its a sketcher.... the ability to add geometry as you work (via the detail bar), you can do thing much faster and more efficiently... for example, you can model a head in zbrush, export it to sculptris, add a bust, and then go back to zbrush... something

@timgray: I've actually used my flashlight app for when I go spelunking, same as all of my friends. Caves are dark, and you never know what to expect when you are in them.

*googles "Thrilling Tales of Incest, Plus Wonder, But Mostly Incest."*

@jianna: There are tons of thing I wish my phone could do, like the thing you suggested, assigning area codes ringtones, but none of the things has ever been take a picture or read Kanye West's Tweets.

You better keep this thing out of New Jersey.

White Holes: There's a universe in there.... There's a universe in all of us.

Why do game developers think I want to punch air like I am Billy Blanks?

"Hey let's go in the living room!"

Now playing

I was curious, so i found a video of the Skyline thing.

The only way they can make the movie better a second time is if they end it the way the story did. I love the movie but "start the reactor" makes me die a little inside, every time I hear it.

@stan_i_am: I doubt you really have a sarcasm detector... and if you did, I doubt you would sell it.

Let's not forget her awesome Futurama guest spot.

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