A point of argument. I wouldn’t call The Usual Suspects Byrne’s most famous film. That would be Miller’s Crossing.
BTW, #TeamCoenBros never molested anyone.
A point of argument. I wouldn’t call The Usual Suspects Byrne’s most famous film. That would be Miller’s Crossing.
BTW, #TeamCoenBros never molested anyone.
You blew a once in a lifetime headline.
Agreed. Work parties suck. Get a catered lunch if you must, but don’t have a goddamn work party.
As someone who is very much un-sober and loves free booze I still agree that this is the correct thing to do.
Or maybe just ban work parties? Or have them in the afternoon, as a thing to do instead of working instead of a thing to do during what should be your free time?
To be fair, at least Andrew Jackson had enough balls to kill a guy for calling his wife fat. Trump just tweets back 3rd-grade-bully insults behind his army of Secret Service agents.
after she gave an interview with Radio Aryan, a neo-Nazi radio show. <- This is who the President of the US is promoting. Woodrow Wilson and Andrew Jackson never had s__t on the bigot we now have in the White House.
I can’t fathom the thought process that said “Yes, this is a good idea! Let us tell our neighbors that we are trying to force them out. That we are the harbinger of their neighborhood’s destruction. That we are part of the problem that is consumerism, and that we can make a cortado. Probably should put something…
It’s because they are all about projection. They lie, therefore they are convinced we lie too.
According to him though, he totally didn’t get owned, you got owned, you and your mother both did! HE SHIT HIS PANTS ON PURPOSE!!!
Conservative Twitter is having a cow over this. O’Keefe is like a god to many of them, and the fact that he got owned so hard isn’t something too many of them can get their minds around.
It should be very easy to pick between those two options for the rest of the season.
This comment is right on the money, where the article is totally off (seriously, for the author: did you even bother to research what the progression system is in rowing, or just google the definition of repechage and call it a day?). A rep in rowing is a very different concept than a loser bracket.
I know what bracket you hang out in! You take your repechage back to your fancy european sports, along with your metric system, single payer health care and your carefree approach to body hair trimming!
In American wrestling, we call it the consolation rounds.
You could just say you hate fun.
Do you have trouble hailing a cab? If no, you’re white.
You are a monster.