ze bra

To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.

how dare you insult the harmless rocks just sitting there in that box.

This is awful, but you’re not wrong.

That photo looks like the cover from first issue of “Obvious Rapists” quarterly.

LA, New Orlenans, New York, Montreal, Charleston.

Can some kind soul out there start a gimmick account that spoils this clickbait shit in the comments? I’m not watching this (or any other) fucking video when an article would have sufficed.

By that logic, if you kill someone in a church, you’re basically doing then a favor.

Have you actually watched the Beyond Stranger Things episode in question? Or just read this recap that’s really reaching, to put it lightly.  

Holy cow, are we making an issue out of this? I saw the Beyond Stranger Things episode myself and Sadie was embarrassed, but not traumatized. If you get a job in Hollywood you eventually have to pretend to kiss people you don’t love in real life. It’s how acting works. Quit grasping at straws just because you’re

Now playing

The clip should have included the knockdown a few seconds earlier as well. Stiverne didn’t look good, at all.

Wow Dom,

If you actually think this is a spoiler you didn’t finish S1. And maybe just stop using the internet if you’re that fragile.

Are you serious?

Why would one of the lead protagonists and most popular character not be in the second season?

Chain pizza is filth.

Now that this has been published, I look forward to the Bills’ inevitable loss tonight.


“.....being aggressively British.” That is hilarious and perked my afternoon right up. The next time my husband gets himself wound up about something, I’m going to tell him he’s being aggressively British.

She also passed along info to Bernie, too. Confirmed by his campaign chair.

Thanks for giving the right wing media something to run with at a pivotal time. Self serving bullshit, she should be embarrassed.