ze bra

This whole thing is a bit of a humble brag. Just saying, I wouldn’t get stuck in there...

*looks at inner circle* *looks at peen* hahahahahaha how could you get stuck in that.... that would fall right off me

He speculates that the Others may have built the Wall becaise they make things with ice. Airtight fanwanking there.

Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: police union spokesmen are the worst people in America.

I miss the first time you said that.

This will appeal to the consumers who smoke weed for its robust taste, not for its THC content.

The counter to that is the only requirement for dunking is being tall and/or athletic. I know people who can’t dribble a basketball but they play some sport like tennis or ultimate and can jump out of the gym.

I want to take everyone who votes “homer” and walk them from home plate to the outfield fence. IT’S SO FUCKING FAR.

More people can dunk.


Mayweather can READ better than Connor can box.

Right? It’s excellent to see so many commenters calling the writer out.

You’re dead-on about the XO Jane disease, but I am pretty proud of the Jezebel commentariat this morning for being all “This is bullshit. Don’t be an insensitive asshole about the boner problem.”


Jane Marie, who used to run Millihelen. It was a good sub blog, but she has some mean girl/bully-ish tendencies in her writing. Very “look at me, I don’t care, I’m from LA lalalala.”

“Last off, his wife probably told him to stop hanging out with you, duh. Which means you are attractive which means you can find a partner which means your friends can have a little time off from taking care of that need which means they’ll want to hang out with you more”

It’s odd to me that Dr. Nerdlove over at Kotaku, a video game website, gives more empathetic, reasonable, healthy relationship advice than Jezebel, and he manages to do it with a far less condescending tone.