This is the correct take
This is the correct take
Sounds like a typical scientist/engineer. They look at the data (can he function without her) and make a decision based on the data (yes, he can) and people’s feelings don’t matter.
Great idea and may I suggest adding a Trump rally to the scarlet letter list?
Does anyone really care about this woman?
Enjoy it while it lasts.
He looks real good in that short clip. I’m impressed.
Unorthodox strategy by the Bears but at this point you have to try anything to keep someone in a Packers uniform from crossing midfield.
Disgusting that the Bears would treat a team owner like this.
I hope McGregor reads this and someone gives Mayweather the gist of it.
The Kevin Everett news blooper...was right here (taps your chest)... the entire time
Isn’t that a crime? Genuinely curious if he can be arrested for inciting violence.
This is truly a tragic day. I knew it would come but I wanted it to be just a little while longer. This band alone defined the way I approached music. The Allman Brothers crossed so many different genres across their multi decade career. They turned me onto funk, southern rock, blues, jazz, gospel and country. Without…
New Yankee Stadium sucks. It’s monolithic and alienating, and makes the game on the field feel like an afterthought. The design of Citi Field is so much more open and welcoming.
Mariah Carey?
and setting good examples for young athletes.
Holy fucking shit.
Donald Jr. or Eric?
You have to love the ref kicking the shit out of the guy.
“It’s real to me”