But they don’t vote on theories, they vote on verdict questions. And that’s where I’m stuck, I don’t know what the jury is being asked to decide and the legal instructions they’ll be given to do that.
But they don’t vote on theories, they vote on verdict questions. And that’s where I’m stuck, I don’t know what the jury is being asked to decide and the legal instructions they’ll be given to do that.
CA did just that on... assault and ghost gun manufacturers. How do ya like them apples?
Here’s what I don’t understand. I always thought eliminating Roe was the fundie, rightie carrot, as in, “Gee folks, we’re almost there, we just need more dollars and more votes.” Lather, rinse, repeat. Because we know that the money machine running this scam doesn’t give a damn about zygotes, fetuses and babies. If…
Dear MTG, they are being judged by the content of their character and so far no one has found any. And I’m sure they’ll meet fellow white supremacists in prison, give ‘em time. Takes awhile for the new kids on the cell block.
She was also a cheater, a match made in heaven. As for the drop in the stock, seriously, we are an idiot nation.
So many bad apples...
Well now, no chance of Kim returning. I have no insight into their relationship (really don’t wanna know) but if I had to guess, he’s no longer of use to her. She could deal with the mess as long as he wasn’t fukking with her brand. With this, nuh-uh. Done and doner.
Thank you for owning your ignorance, too many people blame others and then lash out.
I was highly skeptical of police before but after the last year or so I wouldn’t believe anything they say in their reports or a court of law without supporting forensic evidence and lots of it. Fine job boys in blue, I imagine that I am not alone in that which means there may be more of you going to jail and fewer…
By saying that the amount of money she was paid (something agreed on well before returning to the set) would somehow make up for the painful memories she’s experienced on returning to the set. What’s the going rate for painful memories and do you have a formula for it?
That’s cruel. She’s saying that she was looking forward to it and then being on the set brought back painful memories. Yes, she makes a lot of money but damn, she’s a human being. Money has nothing to do with that.
Indeed, pre-Dolt45 I was open to relationships with Republicans as long as they weren’t racist, bigoted, misogynist or science-denying idiots. But that pretty much sums up MAGA. I have no for or interest in arrested development assholes.
If you believed it was a funding issue, that’ on you. Police departments across the country spend big bucks on the bang-bang, never seems to be a funding issue when it comes to buying military hardware. Whenever anyone says “It’s a funding issue” what they’re really saying is it’s not a priority. From the testing…
Seems to me that ditching the old “cheerleader” label is a positive. They are not there to lead cheers and the job involves a great deal of athletic ability and talent. Why not give them an upgrade and leave the old label in the past?
His one and only love is himself.
Wait, I thought you weren’t suppose to shake babies.
According to this little under-educated, lying little weasel, it’s not your picture even when it’s in your camera.
Nope, that’s not the argument at all. My argument is that selectively charging teens as adults will always have human bias involved. The fact is that juveniles do not have fully developed brains, impulse control and judgement are two areas that are works in progress. The fact is that black juveniles are seen and…
That overlooks the racism in prosecution, conviction and sentencing. The data is clear, blacks receive higher sentences than their white counterparts, i.e., same crime, different sentences. The data is also clear that black juveniles are treated as adults more often then their white peers. So if the society tends to…
No matter how heinous the crime, juveniles are still juveniles. There’s a reason why we have different laws for kids and adults. And yet there is a huge and dangerous hole in the justice system, one that neither prison or release can fix. I don’t have the statistics on recidivism for violent juvenile offenders but I…