
Apologies for being somewhat ageist, but it’s always a treat when boomers’ incriminating texts get leaked. Not somewhat ageist, totally ageist. Choosing one demographic (age, race, gender, education...) for your schadenfreude is ignorant and disgusting. “Apologies for being somewhat misogynistic, but it’s always a

Worst kind too, a rich smug dick.

Next big cop funeral I want to hang a banner that says “cop lives have limited value” for the cops that hit a Seattle woman and then said that.

My issue with it is the sheer amount of time devoted to this and the assumption of some kind of personal relationship.  These folks crazy...

Yes, old enough to have my introduction to the www as an adult.  Had so many hopes for humanity... nope.

Thank you Christina, spot on.

I see the difficulty in balancing your friend and his victims. Consider that this couple has access to all manner of talent that could have helped/advised. My advice? Keep it personal not global. Keep it relative to your relationship, not globally, i.e., “My relationship with Danny has been one of support, kindness,

Sounds like an essay for a cheesy flick about running AI for student council. 

According to the Supremes, it’s not money, it’s speech.  They decided Teddy the Terrible’s case in his favor, yes, you can take bribes.

You’re talking about the legislature that begrudgingly finally parted with the bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest, Confederate, slave trader, first grand wizard of the KKK.

A commenter named “dudebra” doesn’t need a vasectomy.  His charming personality assures he never gets near women.

If you can take a man with country fried steak and redneck beer, go for it. You can be the sex Cracker Barrel.

She’s going to find “heaven” a tad warm for her comfort.

I loved Seabiscuit.  That is all.

Just no. Cosmetic surgery has major flaws, including that all cosmetic surgery or injections (outside of reconstructive ) is all medical risk with no medical benefit. It is the BILLION dollar profit center for doctors and hospitals, which is why we have no access to healthcare. When the motive is profit, safety takes

Yeah, we tried a centrist woman with more baggage than O’Hare at a time when the country wanted something, anything DIFFERENT so...

The flute has been the property of the Library of Congress since... 1941. So for all of you deeply rooted in heritage and history, that’s over 100 years AFTER James Madison died. It’s not like Lizzo dug him up and pried it from his withered slave owner hands.

As a woman and a trial consultant, I found that her testimony was not credible. And I believed her before I saw her testify. Not a dog whistle, not misogyny, internalized or other wise. 

Depp sued Heard and Heard counter sued Depp.  The jury found for both Depp and Heard, with Depp receiving far more in damages.

Isn’t Kim K’s vagina also known as “dirt bag”?