I have a podcast and need the premium membership to host it there.
I have a podcast and need the premium membership to host it there.
Yeah I was hoping we'd get a cameo from the Community monkey too, but I guess we'll never get to see Annie's Boobs :(
The Velvet Underground's "I'm Set Free" has what to me is the perfect guitar solo. Not a wasted note, just pure emotion and tone. https://youtu.be/2sOXTPCZ40A
Tom Yorke. The Chili Peppers. Dave Matthews. Jack White? Maybe Chris Martin. Those last two are the only post-millenial breakout contenders I can think of.
I like it best.
To me it is worth to what it is, not just what it sounds like. In addition to being a good singer with a lot of soul and a great band, we are hearing an old road man who has lived through a momentous historical period reckon with mortality - his own, and the nation's. Is there anything eternal and transcendent in the…
Great songs but I hate Lanois' production. It wasn't great then and it sounds way dated now.
1. Another Side, 2. like a 12 way tie. Tempest or Tell Tale Signs is the best post 1980 thing. Can't believe we don't have more post 1990 live stuff though, that could blow all other late period stuff out of the water.
Perfect sequel to Masked and Anonymous.
Don't go to see the legend. You'll be gravely disappointed and your grousing will annoy people who are there to enjoy what he does now. His current performance style is an acquired taste for sure, and it's not for everyone. The shows can be very hit and miss, but he can still be just stunningly great if you're going…
lol and the source of the study, The National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, is a ag input industry "research" org. http://www.lobbywatch.org/p… Do you get your info on climate change from oil companies too?
WTF a 6 year old blog is your source? It's an insanely stupid, non-scientific post too.
"According to the National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, the top two organic fungicides, copper and sulfur, were used at a rate of 4 and 34 pounds per acre in 1971 1. In contrast, the synthetic fungicides only required a…
There are some organic pesticides which are derived from microbes that infect pests. But generally organic farmers use mechanical methods of keeping pests away from the produce. Physical barriers, food oil, cultivation, trap crops, things like that.
Ok, but just google pesticide deaths. Pesticides used perfectly and without accident are mostly safe. Lab tests prove it! But in the real world they are not safe, especially for farmers and handlers (and their neighbors).
False. It saves lives by enabling farmers to work without deadly chemicals.
The comments on organic are ignorant nonsense. I work with organic farmers. There are organic ways to avoid pests. Organic methods are more expensive, but largely because of the ways government and business have colluded to subsidize chemical agriculture and externalize costs. If nothing else, organic is much, much…
"While all of this sounds incredibly progressive, subversive, and generally fucking rad, because Acrush identity politics is an aspect of mass-produced pop culture, the reality is a bit more complicated."
With this arrogance and harshness I think maybe you're the asshole in the situation. Just trying to give you a reality check.
Don't talk to people the way you describe talking to your mom. You're being arrogant, aggressive and cruel.
I know that seems crazy and awful if you assume God isn't real, but if a person believes God is real then of course God has to be the absolute most important thing. Not even first in rank but in a completely separate category of importance. If a religious person is put in a position of having to choose between God and…