Sadly, the standalone version currently has 1/3 of the features that are currently contained in the mod already. It's prettier though, and has a better inventory system. :/
Sadly, the standalone version currently has 1/3 of the features that are currently contained in the mod already. It's prettier though, and has a better inventory system. :/
It is, actually.
it has nothing to do with winning I think, more about the fact that nerd and bro rage is quite hilarious.
The projection is strong with this one. Did the government sterilize you or something?
wouldn't it be more sanitary than just jizzing all over your hands and frantically searching for a paper towel?
I think that Deadmau5 blow's in today's times as well, but he used to make some really nice progressive. It's all the new-agey electro/dub bullshit that gives people aneurysms.
Silly republican, Video Games are for real people!
Like it did with Football.
I love Chipotle, beast the hell out of any Mexican joint when talking Burritos. Quesorito isn't bad either.
Back home in Germany everything is cheaper than here in California - except fast food. It's also strides better, so paying 8 euros for a BicMac meal is acceptable once a year.
This is pretty much why I got so used to pirating games when I was a child growing up in Düsseldorf. That and my mother was one of those prejudice dumbasses who thought violent games make people violent. Most of my friends just get their games through other countries considering how easy digital retail has made it.…
Korrektur: Du bist falsch mein herr, es kann beides bedeuten je nach dem wie es im kontext gehandelt wird.
>Am I the only one who didn't think the dude was white? I mean, look at his facial >features. That ain't the features of a white man.
One device, many functions. Next you're gonna recommend someone to buy an iPod.
Trolling is only fun when you have an underdeveloped mongoloid on the other end who's willing to rage like I'm banging his sister.
Correct me if I'm wrong (probably doesn't even need to be said), but does that not work the same way on Sony's side of things? Cancel subscription = cancel "free" games?
Grow some thicker skin bud, none of this has any meaning.
Sorry I didn't know I was obligated to provide fucktards who are unable to use google with sources.
Shush child.
Might as well be in comparison to average healthcare costs in the U.S. xDDD