
It was Harvard, you know, just some research group.

Racism doesn't mean what you think it means, you're thinking of Nationalism/Patriotism

No we don't, we live in an oligarchy. This whole freedom thing may have started nice, but I'm too young to have seen the good part of it. My grandparents keep telling me how nice it used to be here in the states. It's a crock-pot of extremism and close-minded fanatic cunts. Our freedom no longer exists.

Speak for yourself, analog sticks are laughable as well.

Get laid yet?

Says the person who can't find someone to fuck.

I can tell you don't get laid much.

Always been that way genius

- Substituted textures with lower quality counterparts (everywhere)

But it's so true. 9/10 gamers I know are losers.

The place you're from sounds boring and mentally challenged.

A) College boy is not an insult you jealous little Mexican.

But people like you (whiny bitches) get fucked with the most!


You are so wrong it hurts...

This article had me scared for a moment, but as it turns out my laptop can probably run this bitch on Ultra as well. -_-

The only one I recognized was One Piece :P I guess I didn't watch to much manga as a kid.

I use my Ouya for various types of streaming, including NVIDIA Shield emulation. That combined with its media center ability works for me - but yeah the games platform didn't live up to the hype.

I feel all e-gooey inside now.

I applaud your sense of E-humor.