
I like it when it's cooked to a crisp and all the nasty fat is gone. By then however, 80% of the "bacon strip" is gone.

Before coming here and reading some of the comments, I had no idea people still gathered to play board games. The more you know..

Apple somehow managed to trademark App Store, that's like Ralphs owning "Grocery Store". Most of this patenting shit is really outdated.

Hahaha nice, I was a little pissed at Bethesda when I booted up Fallout 3 for the first time. I played around modding Oblivion for a while and got to know the Gamebryo engine more than I like to admit, the engine was god awful and the fact that they kept it really annoyed me.

Fallout wasn't their IP to begin with, and the guys they outsourced NV to were the original Fallout developers.

Definitely, but it was honestly the same thing with different textures. :P

Because modding is fun as hell.

Flagship IP? Fallout? Haha.

If you can't buy it you don't have a right to use it, based on your attitude I don't think you agree. You're a customer in the same way as a guy who picked up a used game after two years of playing the pirated version. You'll probably just torrent TES 6 so publishers could give a rats ass about your opinion in a poll.

My first Bitcoin purchase was the Tri-force 3DS XL! :)

Sorry bro but your opinion is invalid in this case. By pirating frequently you and I are not customers - we are the scourge that publishers hate the most - and therefore our input is not valued in any way shape or form.

Had to turn it off after half an hour, unbearable piece of shit according to my brain.

Your comment: "If you weren't there from the get go, good luck getting in".

I think you've taken a few to many days off...

Generalizing the userbase of a popular service to one type of people. You sir are a fucking moron by the book. :)

lol what a loser you are, and apparently a Floridian on top of it... ouch.

I must be autistic because Pacific Rim looked like the dumbest shit to me. My 8-year-old self would have appreciated it a lot but what you said is true - we would never fucking build giant robots if monsters were to exist magically. The Japanese might, but what the fuck do I know about japan.

Get over yourself... don't be a retarded faggot.

Exactly right. In my experience children of shitty parents don't get to see the mobile devices much since mommy hogs the damn thing all the time. My cousin is ALWAYS on her phone and meanwhile she forces her two kids to watch TV all day (not a smart tv).

fail troll